The One With the Giant Spider

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-The Main Area-

Zadie's POV:

Finally, we got a day off. Delta and I didn't go on the field trip with Davenport because well, we didn't want to. I mean, can you blame us?

We were trying to figure out what we were gonna do today while hanging out in the main area with Leo when Douglas walked in, talking on the phone, "Yes, Donny, I'll take out the garbage." He paused, "No, Donny, I won't experiment on the kids' bionics while they're asleep again." The three of us got his attention by looking up at him, "It was one time, and you didn't even notice." He told Leo before putting the phone back up to his ear. "Gotta go. Yes. I miss you, too." He hung up, "Well, Donny and the students made it to Gettysburg for their first official field trip." 

"Bionic kids and cannonballs. What could possibly go wrong?" Leo smarted. 

"You're his student. Why didn't you go?"

"Big D thinks I'm there. I paid a kid five bucks to yell, 'here' and another kid ten bucks to yell, 'shut it, Leo'." 

"What about you two?" Douglas pointed to Delta and me. 

I laughed, "Yeah, Davenport paid us fifty bucks to stay here and not go." 

"You got fifty? I only got thirty." Delta tilted her head towards me. "Actually, that makes sense."

"Oh, hey, Bree." Leo greeted as Bree strolled in, carrying two books, "I ditched the field trip so I could hang out with you guys. What should we do on our day off?" 

"Our day off? No, this is my day off, and I've already got it all planned out. I'm gonna sit by the pool with Z and Del if they want to join and read a book. I'd ask you to join us, but I live and work with my family, so I'm sick of all of you." 

"Why are those two any different?" Leo motioned to us. 

"I'm not sick of them. They're actually quite fun to hang out with."

As soon as Chase came in the other door, Leo asked him the same question, "Hey, Chase, wanna hang out?" 

"He already said no to me this morning. Wasting your time, Drooley." I shook my head. 

Chase ignored my comment, continuing, "Sorry, Leo, gotta make the most of my day off. I already organized the weapons vault, alkalized the island's water system, and taught a cute little group of dolphins to wave hello." He waved, "Next up, some light reading." He grabbed one of Bree's books, flipping through it, "She ended up marrying the vampire? I did not see that coming." 

Bree snatched back her book as soon as Leo turned to asked Adam the same thing, "Hey, Adam." 

"No." Adam answered bluntly, moving past him to show us his newly found rock. 

"I didn't even ask you anything yet."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Go ahead." Adam smiled. 

"Thank you. Would you like to-" 

"No." Adam turned back to us, "Guys, check out this rock I found on shore. I had to dig it out from under a wooden box of old yellow coins and jewelry." 

"We'll be going there later." Delta added. 

Chase looked closer at the rock, "Adam, this isn't a rock. It's a fossil. Let me see that." 

"No." Adam fought, pulling back his rock causing the two to wrestle over it. 

Chase finally won it over and placed it on the desk so he could scan it. When he did, he geeked out. "This is a prehistoric sea spider. It went extinct millions of years ago."

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