The One Where Leo Leaves

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-The Main Area-
Delta's POV:

I was sitting next to the hydraloop with Adam, Bree, Chase, and Zadie when Leo and S-1 walked over to us. "Well, guys, it took a while, but we finally came up with S-1's new name." Leo announced. 

"We went through hundreds before we came up with the perfect one." 

Bree smiled, asking, "What is it?" 

At the same time, Leo said, "Charlotte" while S-1 said, "Taylor." Leo nodded uncomfortably, "Right. second choice." 

"I like it."

"Great name." Chase agreed. 

Adam shrugged, "Eh, doesn't really matter to me. I didn't remember your other name, and I'm not gonna remember this one either."

"I had a cousin named Taylor. When we were little she accidentally locked me in my treehouse and forgot to tell my parents I was in there. They didn't find me until seven hours later." Zadie told us. 

I shook my head, "Yeah, that doesn't sound like an accident." 

Interrupting our conversation, Davenport greeted us, "Hey, guys. I have some very exciting news."

"You're finally eligible for senior citizen discounts?" Adam jokingly asked.

Davenport nervously laughed, "No...maybe. I don't wanna talk about it. Look, the President called and he's honoring you guys with a prestigious award for completing mission number 1,000."

"That's awesome. Congratulations, guys." Taylor happily exclaimed. 

"Thanks, but technically, if you count all the missions where our bionics were still a secret, the number's actually 2,604." Chase smiled, "But who's counting?" 

"You are. That's all you do is count." Zadie sassed. 

Chase turned to look at Zadie who was sitting next to him on the bench, "I do not, but just for the record that's the 53rd time you've told me that." 

Zadie patted the side of his face, "Yeah, you're lucky you're cute." 

"This is gonna be great! It's about time I got honored for something. So when is this little shindig?" Leo asked as he moved to stand next to Davenport.

"Uh, in a couple of weeks. There's gonna be a big, fancy ceremony on the mainland." Davenport informed, before breaking the news to Leo, "But the President's only honoring the original team, Adam, Bree, and Chase." 

"What? How can he do that?" Leo placed his hands on his hips. 

I scrunched my face, "I'm pretty sure it's because he's the President." 

Leo rolled his eyes in return, "I'm saying that I go on missions with them all the time. I mean, you guys understand, right, Z, D?"

"Leo, we've been going on missions for literally a month." I told him. I wasn't upset about not getting an award- I mean, sure it'd be nice, but it's not the end of the world. 

"I'm sure when they hand out awards for completing 32 and a half missions, you, Zadie, and Delta will be first in line."

Chase stood up, patting Leo on the shoulder, "It's actually 31 and a half, but who's counting?"

Zadie's POV:

It was later in the day and I had just finished training with Chase and Bree. Training with Bree, fun -it usually was just gossip sessions while barely punching the punching bag. But training with Chase, not fun. Well... not in the training bionics sort of way if you know what I mean. 

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