The One With the Boat

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-The Mentor's Quarters-
Zadie's POV:

It was Saturday which meant no training. I was sitting on the couch sideways with my legs draped over Chase and Bree while Bob was leaning on the arm of the couch and Adam was sitting in the white chair.

"Hey, Adam. You ready to go?" Delta walked in, carrying her bag and sunglasses.

I looked up from my phone, "Ooh, you two going on a date?"

"Sure, if you call sitting on bleachers watching my brother's baseball game in 90 degree weather with my family a date." She sassed.

Bree nodded, "Yeah, you have fun with that."

"Do I have to go? I mean, I don't think your mom even likes me." Adam whined.

"If we're late, she won't like either of us."

"Well, can Bob at least go? You know, for moral support?"

"Adam, you can talk to my dad. He thinks you're...interesting to talk to." Adam still didn't look too excited.

"What's a baseball game? It sounds fun." Bob smiled.

"Fine, you can go too. Does that make you happy, Adam?"

"I still don't wanna go." He frowned.

Delta shook her head at his childishness, "Our dog is gonna be there."

Adam stood up, excitedly, "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go." He quickly exited the room with Bob, causing Delta to roll her eyes.

"See you guys later."

"Have fun. Tell Logan good luck." I called out as she left, "I used to play softball 'til I was asked to leave and not come back."

"Why?" Chase asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I hit someone with the bat...on purpose."

"Remind me to not ask why anymore." He rolled his eyes, going back to his phone.

Bree stood up, "Well, I don't know about you guys, but I think I'm gonna go sit out by the pool. Wanna join, Z?"

"Sounds good. Let me just go-" I started just to be interrupted by Leo.

"Hey, guys. What are you doing today? Something boring I hope."

"Chase is here. What do you expect?" Bree deadpanned causing me to laugh.

I stopped when Chase shot me a look. "Why do you hope we're doing something boring?"

"Well, Zadie, I am so very glad you asked." He smiled, "So, you know how I used to take out Big D's speed boat every weekend but crashed it into a rock and blamed it on Douglas?" The three of us shared the same confused look. "Well, anyways, instead of repairing it, Big D just got a brand new one that goes ten times faster. Wanna go check it out?"

"Sounds like fun." I commented.

"Yeah, I'm in." Bree agreed.

Chase stood up, moving my legs off of him, "Whoa, whoa, whoa. You wrecked the other one? What makes you think you won't wreck this one? I don't think it's a good idea."

"Are you allergic to fun?" I questioned, crossing my arms.

"I just think that-" Chase pulled out his phone that was buzzing in his pocket, "Hang on." He hurried out of the room.

Chase's POV:

"Hello?" I answered the number I didn't recognize, outside of the mentor's quarters.

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