The One With the Bionic Action Hero

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Third Person's POV:

"Okay, so Del, have you decided what you're gonna do about LSU?" Zadie asked as she and Delta leaned against the desk in the main area. 

Delta sighed, "Ugh, no. I haven't even told anyone I got accepted yet -other than you of course." 

"Delta. You have to tell Adam eventually. What are you gonna do? Tell him the night before you leave?"

She shot Zadie a look, "You know, you can't say anything. You haven't told Chase about Northwestern."

"Yeah, cause I was put on the waiting list." 

"That's not all that bad."

"Well, even if I do get in, out of state prices are crazy, and my mom is not wanting to help at all."

"Z, I'm-"

"Hey, guys. Who ya talking about?" Leo asked as him and the Davenport's walked over to Delta and Zadie. 

"Oh, just Janelle's grad party." Delta lied, standing up straight. 

Douglas happily walked down the steps, joining in, "Guess who I just got off the phone with...Giselle Vickers."

"The big Hollywood filmmaker?" Bree raised an eyebrow. 

"She is legendary! She made all the Killer Zombie Trucker movies. Because of her, I can't pee at a truck stop."

Zadie shook her head, "I don't pee at a truck stop for many reasons."

"I don't trust 'em." Delta agreed, crossing her arms. 

"Get this- her next blockbuster is gonna be called Bionic Action Hero." Douglas announced. 

"Awesome! What's it about?" Adam asked. 

Delta looked to him, "My guess is a bionic action hero."

"Huh. We should save our money. Sounds like a flop."

"And the best part, it's based on you guys."

As five of them thought it was super cool, Chase, of course, was skeptical, "Whoa, whoa, whoa. The same person that makes those lame zombie movies is gonna make our movie? Pfft. No way."

Zadie put her arm around him and patted his chest, "Babe, this is why people say you're a fun killer."

"Relax, Chase." Douglas comforted, "Giselle's an old college friend. We spent a lot of time in the robotics lab together before she switched careers. We even dated a bit." 

Zadie leaned to Delta, "I bet you and Adam spend a lot of time in the robotics lab too, don't you?" She laughed, earning quite a hard slap from Delta. 

"What happened?" Bree asked about Douglas and Giselle. 

"Sometimes people grow apart...." 

"She dumped you, didn't she?" 

"Worst day of my life!" Douglas shouted, "And I've been to prison four times...Anyways, she wants the film to portray bionics accurately, so she's coming here to research with the actor that's playing you guys."

"Uh, I think you mean actors." Chase corrected. 

"No. In the film, there aren't three bionic super humans. To simplify it, there's just one with all of your abilities." Douglas explained. 

Bree shrugged, "So, who's the actor?" 

"It's, uh, some new up-and-comer named Troy West."

"Oh, so they're just gonna throw some rookie in the leading role? I don't want any part of this." Chase decided. 

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