The One Where It's Not Halloween

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-The Main Area-
Delta's POV:

Adam, Bree, Chase, Zadie, and I were crowded around a desk in the main area looking through a box of Halloween decorations. "I don't even understand why you got the decoration box out, Adam." I said, as I examined a fake skeleton hand. 

"Yeah, for real. It's literally June." Zadie agreed. 

Adam shrugged, "You can never prepare for Halloween too early." 

Bree put down the fake brain, "Yes, you can."

"You can't say anything, Z. You start playing Christmas music in September." Chase called her out. 

Zadie nodded, "That is justified."

"Hey, Leo, where you been?" Chase asked, drawing our attention to Leo, who had just walked in. 

"Well, after Adam said he was getting out the Halloween decorations, I decided to have a 24-hour horror movie marathon, which I just finished. I was so scared, I chewed through all my fingernails. But on the bright side, I had a big bowl of popcorn so they were delightfully tasty." Seeing that we were not impressed, Leo quickly changed the subject, "So, what was in the Halloween box?" 

"Just a bunch of pathetic Halloween decorations. Nothing to make our first Halloween at the academy spooky." Adam informed. 

"We're months away. There's plenty of time to buy spooky decorations." I assured...even though I'm probably gonna be in Louisiana by then. 

Bree took a closer look in the box, "Uh, what is this disgusting slime in the trick-or-treat bowl?" 

"Oh, that's not lime. That's last year's pumpkin." Adam took the bowl. It smelled awful awful. Horrendous, if you will. "I'm surprised it didn't keep." Adam sniffed it. Like put his nose near it, which caused us all to gag. 

"Hey, guys." Bob greeted, joining us around the desk. 

Chase scrunched his face in confusion, "Bob? What are you doing here? All the other students are out with Mr. Davenport on a field trip to the Davenport birthplace and museum."

"Gosh darn it, I can't believe I'm missing that." Sarcastic Bob was the best. 

"Really, Bob?" Bree judged.

"Oh, come on. Part of the tour is him re-enacting his birth."

Zadie pointed to Bob, "This kid might be smarter than we thought." 

To prove her wrong, Bob grabbed the bowl of pumpkin guts and smiled, "ooh, smoothie!" 

"Or maybe not." I deadpanned, referring to Zadie's statement. 

-Zadie's POV:

As Delta followed Adam and Bob into the training area, Perry walked in. "Later, machine people. I'm taking the metal detector to the beach to look for other people's money."

"So what, you're done going through our wallets?" Leo questioned...seriously. 

Perry nodded, "Yep. How do you think I paid for this thing?" She turned to leave, and Douglas walked in her path. "If you need me, I'll be at that island across the way."

"What island?" Douglas asked, "The deserted one?" 

She smiled creepily, "Yeah. Care to join me? There's room for two in my inflatable kayak. If you're good, we could play shipwrecked passenger and curious island native." 

"Wasn't planning on hearing about Perry's fantasies today." I mumbled to Chase. 

"How about we play shipwrecked passenger and rescue pilot who just keeps flying?" Douglas retorted. I'll give him that one -that was funny. 

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