The One Where They're Left Behind

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Delta's POV:

Adam and I walked into the cafeteria to see Leo opening a brown box. "What's that?" Adam asked as we walked over to Leo. 

"Just a care package from my mom."

"Aw, I wish my mom would send me stuff."

"Oh, she did. I just took it to your room for you." Adam stated. "Yeah, the chocolate croissants she sent were quite tasty." 

"Adam." I gently scolded, hitting his arm. "Those were mine." 

"Don't worry. There was other stuff in the box."

"Like what?" I crossed my arms. 

"Like bras." He openly told. He did not just say that out loud. "But don't worry," He placed a hand on my shoulder. "I put them in your drawer for you." 

I looked at him, thinking, "Actually, I had been wondering where all the new bras were coming from." 

Some more students, as well as Bree, Bob, and Spin also walked in. The last two to show up were Chase and Zadie, like they had been ever since the Sebastian incident which was about one and a half weeks ago.  

"Here you go, guys." Chase handed out bars to the students. "Protein recovery bars."

Zadie walked over to me, clearly tired. "So....?" I smirked, nudging her. 

"So...?" She copied, raising an eyebrow. 

"Zadie, you know you can tell me." I winked. 

"You're acting weird. And what is there to tell you that you don't already know?"

Was she not picking up the hint? "Okay, Chase has been staying in your room for a week and a half now and you're implying that nothing has happened?"

"Yeah, because nothing has happened." She shrugged. "We've been staying up until about four in the morning because we can't sleep. You know how much sleep is important to me. I love sleep."

"I'm sorry. Are you still freaked out about what happened?" 

"I don't know. I mean, freaked out? A little, but I also know it's not gonna happen again. It's weird. I'm not really sure how to explain it. I just want to go back to normal, you know?" 

"I want you back to normal, too." 

"Ugh, again." Bob complained as Chase handed him a bar.

"Yes, again. Would you like to complain more about the free food, Bob?" Chase asked, irritated. Yeah, the both of them are clearly not getting enough sleep. "Mr. Davenport made them to maximize our workouts. They have everything the body needs."

"Except sleep." Zadie groaned causing Chase to nod in agreement. 

"Yeah, and they make you puke." Spin added, putting the bar back, "I'm gonna hold out until the 3:00 peanuts."

"Luckily for me, I'm bionic so I don't have a gag reflex." Adam said. 

"We're all bionic, and yes, you do." Bree told him. 

Adam shoved the whole bar in his mouth, "No, I don't." He immediately regretted it, spitting in out, "Oh, yes, I do."

Spin then eyed Leo's box, walking over to it. "Ooh, what's that?" 

"Oh, this? It's just a little care package my mom sent down for all of us. Oh, wait. Nope, it's just for me."

We then looked over to Bob who was putting ketchup on the bar, "Oh, it's easier for me to swallow if I pretend it's a hamburger. Which is tough, because I don't even know what a hamburger is."

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