Chapter 33: Forget The Sparks and Watch The Fireworks

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*Chapter Thirty Three*

(*‘-‘*) Annie's POV:

                I sat up in a jolt. Beads of sweat were rapidly falling down on my face. My breathing was turning into rigid pants. I woke up from a dream. I can’t remember exactly what it was but I’m pretty sure… My fingers traced my lips and I smiled. I was kissed on my dream. By who? I don’t know.

                Wait, what time is it? I looked out to my closed windows. Bluish black beams were streaming in through from outside, telling me that it was still night. My alarm clock was flashing a soft ‘1:36’. I rubbed my eyelids gingerly and yawned out. I laid back on my bed and tried to go to sleep again but failed. Great. I rolled on my side when I suddenly hit something on my head. What the-? It’s my phone.

                Why is it here? The last thing I remembered is that I was texting with Vincent last night. Oh no. Did I sleep on him? I quickly unlocked my phone and my eyes grew wide in horror when I found out that I had three unread messages. All of them from the same person.

                 Hey. Still there?

                Don’t you dare sleep on me!

                Whatever. Good night, sweet dreams, Anthony.

                My body trembled for an unknown reason. Vincent’s messages made me fully awake. Oh sweet lemons. He must be so angry about me for sleeping on him but then, his last message says otherwise. I better reply.

                To: Vincent Basche

                I’m sorry! I fell asleep! X.X

                I hit ‘send’ and leaned on my headboard. My phone was in my hands. I closed my eyes to try falling asleep but no luck. I still can’t. My phone beeped causing me to draw back and hit the headboard. Hard. I rubbed the affected area gently. That hurt. I looked at my phone screen.

                Vincent: It’s okay. I’m use to those. :J

                Whoa. He replied. I took a glance of my alarm clock which was flashing ‘1:41’. Why is he awake? Did he wait for my reply?! What the-

                Me: Did I wake you up? O.o

                I hope not. He’ll skin me alive if I did.

                Vincent: No. I just couldn’t sleep.

                I see. We’re on the same boat then. Although he couldn’t sleep and I couldn’t sleep back, I still think we’re on the same boat.

                Me: Same here.

                After sending my message, my phone suddenly let out a sound.

                ‘Yo, this is Vincent Basche and across me is Anthony Courice, my date tonight. Say something, Anthony…’

                Wait, this is his voice recorded message. Why is it playing unexpectedly? Oh yeah! I almost forgot. I made it his ringtone on my phone. He’s calling me? I pressed the answer button immediately.

                “Hey…” He spoke out. Whoa. Sleepy Vincent sound so… awesome? No, something more. He sounds so… argh! I dunno. His voice is melting me and that’s for sure.

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