Chapter 3: Chica is no Idiota

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*Chapter Three*


(*‘-‘*) Annie's POV:

                I woke up with a slight ache on the side of my head. It took me every bit of control to even sit up. Once I got myself stable enough in sitting up, the events that took place last night were flashing on my mind.

                There I was, helping Nicks to go along with Eren. And there I was, kicking a jerk on his stomach.  Lastly, there I was, listening to Quest. I scratched my head, trying to brush away all of those but failed. I don’t want to cry. I don’t want to hide. I don’t want to be weak. I have to toughen up and become stronger.

                I slid out of my comforter and stood up with a wobble. Some of the students must be having a hangover right now. Shame, really. Why did Eren have to host a party on a Sunday night when there’s school tomorrow? We will never know.

                 I stagger my way towards the bathroom where I took off my clothes and have a bath. The dirt on my body and the sad memories last night were washed away and so I focus more on what I will be doing for today. I have to let dumb-butt AKA Vincent drink the potion I brewed last night.

                It was meant to make himself closer to Quest. That is the first step to the soulmate stuff, drawing the two persons together. That is the way to cut their own path of love from their original personal soulmates.  It is simple and logical so I don’t have to explain much. Later on, as their relationship progresses, they have to stay loyal and true naturally. No potions nor charms, just natural loyalty and truthfulness. That is the way to connect their new path of love. Lastly, to seal their new trail of love, I have to bestow one final thing to the client’s partner which for now, I don’t know yet. I still have lots of researching to do. When everything is done, the two of them are already soulmates… forever. And I will be forgotten and alone. I shivered lightly at the thought. Loneliness and isolation doesn’t feel very comforting at all.

                I went out of the bath and changed into my usual wear. And by usual, I mean some normal shirt and jeans with a pair of slip-ons. Casual, boring me.

                “Annie! Breakfast is ready,” mom called from the kitchen.

                “On my way, mom,” I yelled as I started to tie my hair into a plain ponytail, my usual hairdo for school. Not a lot of people see me with my hair down and honestly, I’m cool with that. I went to my Gypsy altar where I make my potions and charms to take the vial of potion that I made last night and placed it in my bag.

               I locked my room and checked it twice before turning away from it. My feet then made their way down the stairs and halted as soon as I reached the first floor. I spotted my dad walking towards the front door to leave for work. He spotted me back and raised his hand for a high-five. Oh, how much I love him. I responded by slapping his palm. His eye wrinkles appeared when he smiled at me, patting my head,

                “Gotta go, Anthony. Still have lots of work to do. See you after school. Love you,” he said, giving me a peck on the cheek.

                My dad is one of the few people who can call me by my full first name without getting a kick in the stomach in return. I mean, I guess he has the privilege to do so since he was the one who named me that. A warm smile was plastered on his face when he mumbled a quick ‘I love you' before finally going out the door.

                “Sure. Bye. Love you too,” I responded softly. Anyone present here right now knows that he couldn’t hear me but I wanted to respond nicely to my dad and so I did.

On Love Potions and Charms (Slow Editing)Where stories live. Discover now