Chapter 4: Hey, I just met you, I think you're crazy.

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*Chapter Four*


(*‘-‘*) Annie's POV:

               As I was walking towards the library where Quest was waiting for me, I felt my steps getting heavier and slower now. I had the urge to not continue her request. I won’t mind losing my Gypsy power but mom would definitely make it such a big issue considering the fact that I’m the last person to carry strongly our ancient blood. All the other Gypsies are either dead, weakened or had lost their powers. Mom’s powers are starting to weaken and soon enough, it will be gone. She didn’t use it for almost a month now. I keep on telling her that she has to use it so that her powers will remain but she just smiles at me and say,

                “Losing your powers is not important. Knowing that you used it for the greater good is.”

                She keeps on telling me that ever since I was young enough to remember. Our powers were made to make the lives of people happy. That’s our goal. That’s the reason why we were borne into this world. That’s our meaning in life.

                I was already at the second floor corridor. The library is located in the end of this hall. My mind was in a mumbo jumbo. I couldn’t think straight anymore. Here I am, helping my best friend with her request. But after all this, what then? She would forget me. I will be deeply hurt. Is this still my goal? Is this still why I was borne in this world? Is this still my meaning in life? To be hurt? To be forgotten?

                Being a Gypsy is not some walk in the park or something I am happy to be into. Should I risk my powers for Quest? I don’t know anymore.

                My vision was becoming blurry and I soon realized that I was crying. Sweet lemons! I should blame my ancestors for this. Perhaps I’ll go to Egypt and dance on all of their graves! I wiped my tears with the back of my hand. It’s a good thing that the corridor is empty right now; therefore, no one can see me cry like a wee baby.

                “This scene seems so familiar.” A voice said from behind me. No way. Not him again! Why does he suddenly show up out of nowhere? I walked faster to escape from him but then he yanked my arm unexpectedly.

                “Let me go, jerk!” I fought back from his hold.

                “Hey, hey. Easy now, Anthony-”

                “What?! Is it not enough to see how broken I am already? Leave me alone!” I turned to look at him, to show him how much I want to be alone right now but he just stared at me blankly. Jerk. I pushed him hard away from me but he didn’t fall back. I guess my push wasn’t strong enough. Why is he like this to me? What did I ever do to him? Well, perhaps except the kick in the stomach but other than that I am innocent!

                “I came because Raven told me that he wants to have your number,” Vincent said casually and let goes of my arm. Are you kidding me? I am here, crying and broken, and he just shows up all of a sudden, saying that his friend wants my number. This jerk is despicable! I wiped all the tears away. This is utter humiliation. Vincent just saw me crazily crying. For the second time, I may add. But look on the bright side Annie! A cute guy just asked for your number! And other than that, I could use it for my advantage! I could ask for information about Vincent from Raven which could help me in my work. Okay then. Here we go. I pushed all the sad things in the back of my mind and forced myself to smile.

                “Fine. Give me something to write on,” I said and Vincent gave me a piece of paper and a pen from his pocket.

                “Are you suffering from some multi-personality disorder? Back then, you were crying and now, you’re… actually smiling,” he said as he put his hands on his side pockets.

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