Chapter 2

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(1128 words)

" Well thank you  for saving my life . Alright you can blindfold me , Don't try anything funny because hurt or not I am a lot stronger than I look . " I tell him just to clarify . " Oh trust me I seen it took nine guy's to hold you down and you was still fighting ." Victor say's tying a bandanna around my eyes . "Can you see anything ? " He asks me  . I shake my head to let him know I can't see anything . It's pitch black . Once he is sure I can't see anything he places his hand on the small of my back I jump at the contact . " Can't you just give me your arm and lead the way ? I'm not comfortable with anyone touching me especially while I am blindfolded . Especially after what just happened ." I say He clear's his throat . 

 " Right sorry about that . Here grab here ." He says placing my hand on what feel's like his arm . We walk for a few minutes before Victor speaks ."Step he tells me and becasue I am blindfolded I follow his simple instructions . " Sit " Victor says and I do . I hear a door shut and we start to move after about ten minutes I finally ask Victor " Can I remove my blindfold now?" I hear him sigh and then shift close to me before he removes my blindfold . It take's me a minute to adjust to the light . Once I do I see that we are already on the outskirts of town . " Dang we move fast I live a mile inside city limits you can drop me off at Haven's Book Store . I'll walk to my place ." I tell him . 

 " If it's alright with you I'll drop you off at your place that way I can make sure you make it inside and that no one hurts you again ." Victor says " If it is alright with you I can handle myself . I'm asking you to drop me off at the Book Store . I'll take it from there . I'll be calling you in three weeks  to get these stitches out of me . " I say . He nod's to the driver just as we are about to pass the Book Store he slow's down and turn's the S.U.V so that way when I get out of the vehicle I'll be right by the door . " Thank's Mr. Victor for all your help and for saving my life . " I tell him as I get out of the S.U.V . Before I close the door he say's " Do not forget to call me in three weeks so I can take you to Dr. Warren . " With that I close the door and watch them pull off . As soon as they are out of sight I turn and set a jogging pace to my place . Opposite of where I told them I lived . 

 After about two miles I realize I am bleeding from my shirt pulling on the stitches . It's a good thing I'm almost home . This last mile I'll pick up my pace so I can get home and re-wrap myself up and then I'll hit the gym . I turn on my street thankful that my home is in view . I get this weird feeling like I'm being followed . So instead of turning to go home I cut across the road and head to Axel's . The guy's at the gym can re-wrap myself . Sure as I thought I was being followed a blacked out S.U.V turn's the same exact way I turned . 

 How did I not realize I was being followed ? I'm really off my game . This is why I don't take any pill's I can't focus on stuff like this . I slow my pace and so does the vehicle . Ok what's this guy's problem ? Hurt or not I am about to whip someone's ass . I walk over to the vehicle and knock on the window . Lucy you are being paranoid my brain tell's me . He roll's down the window man is a beast I stare him down . " You lost ?" I ask him . He look's busted " UH UH UH " He stutters . "I ask you a question are you lost ?" I ask him he clears his throat . " No ma'me I am not lost " He states as a matter of factly . I don't like his tone . "Are you following me ?" I ask him . His mouth hang's open " Yes ma'me I was told to make sure you made it home. "He says .

 " Oh yeah ! Who told you to make sure I make it home ?"  I ask him . He shakes his head . "Ma'me I am not at liberty to answer that , but I do know you don't live here unless you lied ." He says smugly . And in that moment I know exactly who made him follow me . I pick up my phone and pull out Victor's card . he answer's on the first ring " Victor " He says " Yeah I know who this is . You seriously having me followed ? " I ask him he chuckles " Well Vinny is supposed to be discreet but yes I told you I wanted you home safe . By the way i thought you said you lived by the book store ?" He says " I don't need you to know where I live . And I damn sure don't need you to follow me . Tell your man to stand down Or I will call the law for harassment and stalking " I say sternly . 

 He suck's in a sharp breath ."Fine but let him take you home . I'm sending Doc to take care of the bleeding " He tells me . Now it;s my turn to sound pissed " How do you know I am bleeding ?" I snap back at him . Then another blacked out S.U.V pull's up and he step's out . " My men tell me everything so you can either get in and ride with Vinny home and let Doc take care of you . Or I can take you back yo the ware house and Doc can keep you there until you are healed . It's your choice Lucy " Victor tells me sternly . 

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