chapter 17

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(Right as she and Mateo start to dance )

Just as I finish dancing with the last clown I think I may be able to escape this floor to atleast get a sip of something to drink .  Every since Roberto left me with Rex I think I have danced with every single male in this place . I turn toward our table searching for Roberto only to have my attention averted as someone taps my shoulder .

I turn and it's my childhood friend Mateo

 wait if he is here that means he is in the mafia or mob

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wait if he is here that means he is in the mafia or mob. I smile at him as he asks " May I have this dance ." I walk over to him and to his surprise I wrap my arms around him and laugh " what's a matter Mateo cat got your tonuge ? " I ask as the song begins . He looks at me shocked for a moment " Lucy is that you ?" He asks taken aback I nod my head and pucker my lips " guilty ad charged . " I say he laughs and wraps his arms around me tight and swings me around causing me to laugh . 

I don't miss the attention he brings our way as he does this . I can feel the eyes on me . Suddenly the atmosphere in the room shifts . I know Roberto is back.  I should back away from Mateo but he's an old friend of mine I know without a doubt he'd never hurt me . " So neossós (chick) what have you been up to lately ? " he says as he ruffles my hair a little.  I pout like a petulant child " don't do that Tae  I'm not a little child anymore and don't call me a neossós I'm a woman now.  " I say to him pouting . He laughs full on belly laugh not just a chuckle . " Yeah sure neossós says the neossós who is pouting like a little neossós. " He says as I swat his arm . He raises one of his hands in surrender not wanting to let me go " alright alright agápi (love) how have you been ? " he asks me .

I gasp at the word I haven't heard in a long time . To show him it does not bother me like he thinks it should I take in a breath and square my shoulders and put a space between us . " I have been good . Life has treated me fair can't really complain.  How about you ? " I ask him not wanting to be so subtle about him being here since this is a mafia party . " Life has been great . I took over my father's business last year which is why I am here tonight.  I had hoped to catch a meeting with the man who is over the party but to no such luck .  I heard Ghost would be here tonight and I thought I may have a meeting with him as well as the boss.  But as far as our crew knows ghost hasn't arrived . " He says " You are the second person I have heard speak of this ghost.  Maybe we all aught to call the ghost busters since so many of you seem to be looking for this mysterious person . " I say and he laughs as I giggle at my own joke .

In that moment I can feel Roberto is near I have no clue with why my body reacts to him this way we have never done anything he's never even kissed me . Mateo jerks me out of my thoughts as he twirls me out and then back to him.  Just as he was about to say something there is a tap on Mateo shoulder.  I see him visibly tense and turn only to be confronted by Roberto himself. I knew he was close I did not know he was that close . "Mind if I cut in ?" Roberto asks Mateo never taking his eyes off me . Mateo waves his hand dismissing Roberto.  " No we just started dancing " Mateo says as he starts to turn back to me . I lock eyes with Roberto I see the fury behind his eyes " You ready ? " he asks me . " Is it already time to go ? " I ask him as he looks down at his watch . " We have a good hour hour and a half left ." He says . I step back from Mateo I'm ready to get off my feet . " Yes . " I answer him. I turn to Mateo " You and I have alot to discuss and alot of catching up don't be a stranger.  " I tell him.  He hugs me once more before he releases me he says in a whisper . " I'm back at mom and dad's place for the weekend you should come over and visit . " Mateo says before he turns and walks away .

" Ready?" I ask as I turn to Roberto . He simply nods . As we start to walk he interlaces our fingers to where he is holding my hand . I shiver and then blush can the ground swallow me whole right now . Lucy get yourself together this man does not like you the way you think he does . He's a killer and a dangerous man . He can't be no more dangerous than I am . He can't have killed more people than I have . After all I am a hired hit for men like him .

With that thought I slide into the back seat . Just as Roberto walks around and gets in on his side . " Sorry about tonight is actually had hoped for a peaceful night.  Did you enjoy yourself ? "  Roberto asks as he turns to face me . I turn in my seat and face him our knees touch egnites a spark I've not ever felt flicker in my soul . He felt it to i seen the way his eyes flared with just the contact of my knee . " Despite all the drama tonight I had a great time . Except I rarely got to sit down or drink anything I'm parched , my feet hurt and I really need to use the bathroom . " I say .

Just as I finish speaking Roberto pulls my feet up and unclasp my shoes and slides them off my feet . I try to pull my feet away but he tightens his grip . " You do not have to do that . I'll manage when we get back to my place I have a massager for my feet . " I say to Roberto trying one more time to pull my feet away . " I am aware I don't have to do this . I want to do this . Had I not of left you alone tonight you would not have had to dance with everyone.  Which reminds me I will speak to my men about . By the way how do you know the last gentleman you was dancing with .  " He asks me as he begins to massage my feet .

Oh my gosh his hands are heaven " mmm can I just take you home and use you as my massager when I need one and throw the old one away . " I close my eyes and moan again as he hits the perfect spot on my arch . He chuckles and I realize I said that out loud " oh my gosh I'm so sorry I do not know why I said that please excuse me ." I tell him trying to hide my face.  He leans into me towering over me he removes my hands . " Never apologize for being open with me . Always tell me what's on your mind . That's one of the things I like about you you always tell me like it is . " He says and I open my eyes to see that he's covering my body with his.  I have never been this close to a man before other than when we are sparring .

I look down at his lips and back to his eyes before he I know it He's kissing me. I'm talking soul sucking organs touching , knock you on your ass kiss.  He pulls away and touches his forehead to mine " You have no clue how long I have wanted to do that " he says kissing my nose and then my forehead . 

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