chapter 16

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I make it to the top step before I turn and see Lucy turn and walk back to the ballroom with Rex . Victor opens his study door and we follow him inside . "What seems to be the problem with that young lady? " Victor asks Viere and I.  I cross my arms and puff out my chest " I didn't know there was a problem until the woman who stole me away from my date so his son could dance until she pointed to where they where dancing . What did your son do to her ? " I say pointing to Viere .

" He didn't do anything and neither did she they was dancing but some thing about her looked awfully familiar . I've seen her before .  I just wanted to talk with her . So I asked Luca to ask her for a dance and then I would cut in . " Viere says . I turn my attention to Victor " How do you know her name ? " I ask him . " You do remember I caught her snooping around earlier looking for the bathroom ? " Victor says I scratch my chin.

  Victor turns to Viere " I'm sure you have never seen that woman before as this is her first time ever being to one of these parties . Unless she's worked somewhere you've seen her . Roberto speaking of which does she know what kind of life you live? Does she know the dangers of being with someone like you? " Victor asks me  I rub the back of my neck with my left hand "No I've not told her about my life style .  I haven't had the chance to tell her . " I say not that I need to explain myself to anyone .

With that thought I turn and make my way to the study door . "Since no-one is trying to kill my date if you will both excuse me I think I'll head back down to her . " I say as I open the door . I get back down the stairs and see Lucy is dancing with the one boss I despise the most the Irish mafia boss . I can't leave her alone for two seconds and she draws attention . I never expected anything different though.  If you was to see Lucy you would say the same thing .  That woman has the body of a stripper . The mind of a genius.  The skills of three of my best men put together .
Just watching her dance with another man sends me in a rage I've never felt for anyone else . No other woman has ever made me feel anything.  I've always f*cked them and left with no remorse the same night.  Something about Lucy makes a man want to settle down . Victor was right I do need to tell her . I think I'll tell her tonight bring her back to my place and set her down and tell her.  Just as the song ends that Irish bastard courtsey to her and releases her hand just as a second in command comes and taps her shoulder from behind she turns and then embraces the man . She's never hugged me like that except the night she beat the shit outof Joey. 

I make my way over to Rex "who's that ? " I ask as I bump his shoulder . "That's Mateo he's the second in command of the Greek mafia and the first person besides you I've seen Lucy comfortable with . While you was doing business she's danced with several men . None I've seen her hug . " Rex says shrugging his shoulders like it's no big deal . I can't take watching her dance with anyone else or see anyone else's hands on her body .

I give Rex a knowing look and he nods his understanding . I turn and walk to intervene with my girls dancing .  Something about her calls to me like a robin calls the dawn of a new day . She speaks to my soul in a way no woman ever has before . This woman is awakening something inside of me I never wished to be awoke . I reach her just as Mateo turns her back into his body I can hear her giggles . It's like music to my ears . She should only giggle for me . I tap on Mateo's shoulder  " Mind if I cut in ? " I ask more like demand , Lucy steps back from Mateo as if she had just been touched by a hot iron .
Mateo looks at Lucy " actually I do mind she and I just started our dance . " He says to me by way of dismissing me . " Lucy you just about ready ? " I ask her looking down to Mateo so he knows she is mine and over to Lucy who flushes bright red . I get the feeling she knows I'm staking my claim.  I have absolutely no idea why since I've always been told women are our weakness . They will get you killed . Lucy is different . It just feels different with her . 

" Yes is it time to leave ?" Lucys voice breaks through my thoughts . I look down at my watch . " We have a good hour and a half left we could stay if you like or we can go now . " I tell her She looks over at Mateo " It was so good seeing you again old friend.  There is alot you and I need to catch up on . " she says releasing his hand and walking over to me . " I'm as about as ready as I'll ever be.  " she says and I don't miss the way she says it.  Her words have a double meaning . I can hear them as plain as day .

I motion to Rex and see him nod " The car should be around front . " I tell her and she just nods . I see her shiver as I interlace our hands together and the blush that covers her from head to toe . I've never notice how she does that when we are next to each other . We begin to make our way out of the ball room and down the stairs to where my car is waiting . I open the door for her and she slides in as I walk to the other side and slide in beside her .

I have a feeling after tonight this woman will haunt me for the rest of my miserable life .

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