Chapter 4

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I walk to where he's standing " The customer is" He doesn't get to finish his sentence I finihs it for him . " Always right ! I'm aware . " I tell him " Good then finish out your shift your check will be in my office . " He tells me turning to walk back to hus office . " Here if you are firing me I'll be leaving now ." I say handing him my apron . I take my tips from the day out of my pocket . I walk to the door on my way out I tell all my customers that Sarah will be taking care of them the rest of their visits here . On my way out the door I bump into one of the hottest men I have ever seen in my entire life , Followed by two other men with two women on their arms . He's scanning the place and they all walk to ass hat , Rex and Javier. I suppose that is their boss . Oh well they aren't my problem any more .

I've always been kind of scared of huge muscle men , but working as Ghost for the Mafia and the Mob has made me less fearful . Sometimes I really wish I didn't want to live a double life . Like I should have said that I didn't care if I lived a normal life . Because then half minded people like them guys would know not to touch me . I hate that I got fired though . I really liked working there . I've worked there for the last three years . Oh well . I've got enough money to last me at least until I want to get a job . Besides this will give me time to train for my next fight .

I go to my place change out of my work clothes and into my gym clothes . Grab my phine charger and my ipod . I place my holder on my arm adn set a pace for the gym. When I get to the gym I see three new verhicles .I've never seen them before . Whoever they be;long to is still inside the cars because they are still running . Not my busines . I head inside Joey look's at me in surprise . " DIdn't expect you for three more hours " He says . "Yeah I know . I got fired so I decided to come here . MOre time to train now . My fight is six weeks away . " I tell him . He just shrugs . " Sure start on the bag . I'll go suit up for the cage ." he says stepping into the locker room .

I replace my ear buds and await for him to tap my shoulder . After about ten minutes on the bag Joey hollers from across the gym . "Lucy ! You ready ?" He says . I nod my head " Yeah! Are you ?" I ask grabbing my water making my way to the cage . " As ready as I can be ." He says . I step into the cage with Joey he gets in his stance and we begin to spar . About thirty minutes later after three arm bar , Five tap outs and two Knock outs Joey decides to call it a day . "Hit the jump rope . " He says to me .

When I go to step outside of the cage I realize we have a crowd gathered around like usual . But this time I notice ass hat and his gang are here. " What are they doing here ?" I ask Joey pointing with my chin. " They are here to ask for a contract to fight . " He answers me . Then he turns to me expectantly " Why do you know them ?" He asks me confusion written all over his face . " No I met them last nigh and just a bit ago in passing ." I tell him he relaxes . " Good stay away from them, they are bad news . " He tells me " Trust me I plan on it ." I tell him . I grab my water and exit the cage completely .

The guy who met with ass hat and was the last guy to walk in walks toward the cage . I'm guessing to speak with Joey . So I turn to go to the ropes so Joey can do what he does best . Other than run this gym and train us all . He manages this place to and is our promoter . I don't realize anyone is right behind me until I hear "Ouch !" I turn around and hotty and his whole crew is standing behind me or close by me . They surround us .

I grab the ear buds out of my ear's " You ok ?"I ask him . " Yeah I am fine . Alex here says you broke his wrist earlier . " He states . " Yes I did if he would have removed his hand this wouldn't have happened . " I say as I start to turn my earbuds back in my ears . He raises his hand to stop me ." Well he's here to apologize to you ." He says . I scoff " No need ! Now if you don't mind I have a fight to train for ." I tell him as I begin to place my ear buds back in my ears I turn . Just as I am about to sling the rope I turn and wave my hand dismissing him . " Move or get hit again . The choice is yours ." I tell him . He scoots back a few feet away I turn to the mirror so I know if they have moved or not . Which they don't I see Joey make his way to them .

They begin talking and everyone moves to Joey's office except the guy who just spoke to me . He just watches as I move from routine to routine working out . On my last workout I let one of the guys take turns each day it's someone new hitting me . For thirty minutes they use me as a personal punching bag . This is how I can take a hit and keep fighting . I take out my ear buds just as Joey and ass hat emerge from Joeys office . They shake hands and make it over to the guy who's watched me the last two hours ." Issac you hitting today ?" I ask him as he passes . " Nah 'ma I got to head out I'll take my turn tomorrow alright . " He says kissing my forehead .Every guy in this damn gym treats me like a sister which is ok to a point .

I wipe my forehead " Gross Issac ." I tell him he just chuckles " See ya sis ." He says . "Later " I yell to his retreating back . Joey walks over to me with everyone he just spoke to following him . " Mr. Roberto your contract is signed ."Joey tells him and steps in front of me . " Everyone that usually helps you on this part is pretty much gone or just got here . You want me to help ?" Joey asks me .

"Yeah that's fine " I tell him . I pull my sweat shirt over my head and toss it to the side . The guy who has followed me his eye's I swear get's as big as tea saucers . So does most of the guys who are with him . " Geesh rude much . " I state looking at them . I turn to Joey and open my arms wide to him . Almost like I am about to hug him . I don't understand why everyone's still watching us their contract has been signed . I don't have time to dwell on it as Joey starts taking body shots to my already bruised and scarred torso .

Each blow Knocks the wind out of me a little more each time . Joey isn't holding back today . He's pissed I can tell with each punch he's throwing . He's getting angrier and angrier his rule is to never hit me when he is angry . Carlos takes notice in what Joey is doing . He steps in just as Joey lands a punch that knocks me on my ass . " ENOUGH !!! Joey your rule is to never hit Lucy when you are pissed . Yet here you are breaking your own rule . Walk away before I knock your ass out . " He says getting in Joeys face . Joey look's down to me then to his blood covered fist . "I'm sorry Lucy " He says to me .

I spit the blood out of my mouth and grab Carlos pro-offered hand . "You ok ?" He asks me looking at my jaw wiping the blood away . " Yes I am fine It's just a cut . I'll grab my stuff . I'll see you tomorrow . " I tell him as I get off the platform . Mr .Roberto stands in front of me ."You truly are crazy you know that ? Why did you let him hit you ?" He asks me truly interested in my answer . " It's my own punishment to myself Mr. Roberto now if you will excuse me I need to shower and change . " I tell him walking past him . "Punishment for what ?" He asks following me to the locker room .

" We all punish ourselves for something sir . Don't we?" I say to him opening my locker and taking out my gym bag . " Now if you will excuse me I need to shower " I tell him grabbing all the necessities I need. " You know you should come fight for my gym " He says to me . Since it looks like he is not going to leave .I start stripping and turn the water on . "No thanks ! " I say to him . He just stands there starring along with Rex , Javier ,and Ass hat . He turn's to them and say's " Leave us . Alex stand outside the shower . Rex and Javier go to the car's I'll be there soon . " He says dismissing them . He must be their boss . " Do you have no shame ?" He asks me as I begin to rinse the soap out of my hair . " Shame ? For what ?" I ask him . " You don't know us yet you just stripped in front of us and then jumped into the shower . " He says .

"Well in all fairness I did tell you to get out . You are the ones who stayed in here . If you have a problem with a naked woman that is your problem not mine . "I tell him washing my body . "What does your tattoo mean ?" he asks me . I turn to him with an arched brow ." Which one ?"I ask him . " The Phoenix ." he says pointing to my back . " Ah I figured you meant that one . I have been through a lot of shit in my life . Been burned by people who claim to love you . Who say they would never hurt you yet they do , and yet like the Phoenix I rise out of a pile of ashes they leave me in . Plus if you look close enough it hides scars . " I tell him . Surprised in myself no one else knows about the scars except Dr. Warren and Victor . "Never hide your scars they are apart of our past they make us who we are . In some form of fashion they shape us . " He says to me as I step out of the shower . Wrapping the towel around my body and one around my hair .

" I have no intentions of hiding my scars . Anyone who has ever fought me or has gotten close enough to my front can see the ones that match some of the ones on my back . " I tell him dropping my towel . I start to get dressed when I am about dressed Roberto taps my shoulder . " Do you mind if I see them ?" He asks me . I shrug my shoulders . "Sure " I point to some of the ones on my stomach and he grabs my arms and spins me . " My God ! What happened to you ?" He asks touching my back . I gasps as the bolt of energy that runs through me and spin . " Don't touch me . " I tell him . He raises his hands in surrender .

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