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(3337 words) 

**Sorry guys that it has taken me so long to update I let a friend of mine borrow my computer . So without further adue here is you another chapter . Much love Shay !!**

I wait in the room for what seems like hours but couldn't be no longer than fifteen minutes . I hear the door open and a few guys walk down closer to where they left me . I am still reeling over Issac I never knew one of my guys was in with the Mafia that one I never seen coming . I should have been paying better and closer attention .

" Hey Lucy you are up in five . Last girl kind of lost her head out there try to keep yours on for a few fights at least we are running low on fighters to feed the beast " A guy I have never seen before says before pulling me up off the floor and undoes the cuff that is around the radiator . He pulls on the cuffs " Come on lets go we got a little walk ahead of us to get to the ring and you need to be there on time the guys don't like to wait and neither does the beast ." He says . I huff " When do they take these cuffs off of me I can't fight and be cuffed ." I say trying to show him the cuffs he's holding onto .

" Jeff will undo them before you step into the ring . It's just a safety precaution . " He says to me I just nod . We walk for a few minutes until we come to two double swinging doors . He stops and takes a breath . " I would wish you luck but I know it is no use . That woman in the ring eats girls like you for desert . " He says before walking through the door .

I am first hit with the stench of death . Then blood, booze , cigars , cigarettes and sex . " How anyone can fight in this stench is beyond me ." I say to the man walking along side me holding my cuffed hands . " I say the same thing all the time . " He says . Before we step up to the cage I stop yanking him to a halt . " You are so worried about wishing me luck you may want to wish her luck . The bigger they are the harder they fall . " I tell him he just chuckles . " Yeah we shall see about that . For your sake I hope you make it out alive . I like your attitude they last six women we put in the ring even a few men was scared sh*tless ." he says at that I laugh " Oh darling you just haven't found the right one ." I tell him " Hey O what's taking so long bring her a*s to the cage ." A man nearby the cage yells .

I have seen octagons my whole fighting career none like this . This one is littered in bob wire all along the cage blood stained mats . I walk up the stairs to a man who yanks my cuffs and unlocks them . He steps aside and lets me in the cage . He smacks my ass before I enter . " Go get her doll face ." He says turning around to high five a few guys . I strip my top off revealing my tattoos and my fresh ink . I hear a lot of gasps around the ring and then I hear a man close by " Issac who the fuck did you bring us ?" I don't pay any attention I lock eyes with Viere across the ring . His eyes are as big as saucers . I then look to the woman I am fighting .

I roll my neck and loosen my shoulders . " Shall we make this quick and easy or shall we give the guys a bit of a show ?" I ask her . " Ah a cocky one I like them feisty gives me something to work with ." She says rolling her shoulders . " Lets give them a show ." She says I nod my head and we hit knuckles . She stays in her corner for a few seconds longer trying to find what angle she is going to go with . She lunges for me I dodge and miss her attack landing a mean right hook to her jaw . I feel and hear it crunch . I know I have broken her jaw .

She stands up right and spits blood . " Ahh I guess I underestimated you ." She says before she lands a few blows to my ribs and stomach . I feel a rib crack nothing I haven't ever felt before in all my years of fighting . I let her beat on me for a little while feeling the pain of each blow . I let her use me as her personal punching bag . I use each blow as fuel letting it boil until it boils over . When she's got my back against the cage I start hitting her with everything I got . Each blow knocking her further and further back . I just keep hitting each hit knocking more and more out of her . I see blood on my hands I haven't even noticed that I have broken open the skin on my knuckles and am hitting her with my bare bones .

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