chapter 15

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(1139 words)
" Now you and I both know no-one makes you do anything you don't want to do . You know he has to figure out who you are on his own . If you tell him or say you do tell him and he doesn't believe you and he calls everything off then you will have no choice but to come clean to the whole organization . He won't be able to get back with you or have you become a part of his organization. " Victor says . "I'm aware of this . I don't think you have anything to worry about. Roberto doesn't like me that way. Besides the rules state I am allowed to tell anyone I please it doesn't say if we break up I can't have anything else to do with them . " I tell Victor leaning up against the door frame crossing my arms in a show if defiance.
Just as Victor goes to say something we see Roberto making his way over to me . " I suggest you find whoever you came with and stay out of this wing of the house " Victor says in a harsh tone . " I have apologized I was just looking for the restroom and got lost . " I say going along with Victor just as Roberto walks up to us . He slides his hand at the small of my back " there you are Lucy I have been looking everywhere for you. Is there a problem here Mr. Vincette ? " Roberto says . Victor shakes his head .
" She with you Roberto? " Victor asks pointing at me with his head. Roberto shakes his head " Yeah I asked her to stay by the door when we had that talk awhile ago. I'm sorry if she has caused any trouble . " Roberto apologizes to Victor I just huff . I don't need anyone to apologize for me . " If I was you I'd keep that one close . You know all these men around here may snatch her away from you . " Victor says winking at Roberto. Roberto nods his head in agreement " I couldn't agree more . You ready to make our entrance Lucy? " Roberto turns to me and asks . Holding out his arm . I lace my arm through his . " Lead the way . " I say as we step away Roberto turns before we get to far " Mr. Vincette let me know when you see Ghost I look forward to meeting him . " Roberto says . Victor nods and I roll my eyes .
We walk into the grand ball room where the party is in full swing I notice we are the last to arrive to this portion of the event due to Roberto's meeting and my meeting with Victor . I notice we have drew several eyes in our direction. I turn to Roberto who is looking down at me. "Do i have something on my face or toilet paper on the back of my dress? " I ask him he looks at my feet and the back of my dress and shakes his head . " Nothing on your face or dress . Why do you ask ? " he asks me turning fully to me . "Everyone is starring at us . " I tell him he turns his head slightly and sees I'm telling the truth .
" They are just curious I've never brought anyone with me to this gathering. My men informed me that people had already started crowding them while I was in the meeting asking who my plus one was . If they are making you uncomfortable just tell me I'll take care of it . " He says . I just nod my head . " Would you like to dance or sit ? " Roberto asks me . I tear my attention away from his eyes and scan the room . If I can wait tables and if I can fight in a cage this should be a piece of cake . I look back to Roberto with a confused look " You know how to dance ? " I ask him . He looks taken aback " Yes I have been dancing since I was little. Before my mother passed away she made sure to teach me how to dance. " He says extending his hand to me just as a new song begins to play .
This is a slow song . Roberto pulls me out on the dance floor and pulls me in close. Real close . It's almost as if he's trying to swallow my body with his .
We dance for three songs before someone finds the courage to tap on Roberto's shoulder . " May I cut in ? " I know this kid his father is the head if the Italian mafia . Before Roberto can object a woman slithers her arm through Roberto's and I see him visibly tense . " You care if I steal your date for a dance ? " she asks me but before I can answer she pulls him away and the Italian kid wraps his arm around my waist pulling me in to his body .

I don't like the way he looks at me or touches me . His touch is different than Roberto's his makes my skin feel like it's crawling . His eyes are heated with lust and I can feel the bulge in his pants . " You should give me the chance to show you what a real man is like . " He says . I push him back a little " I'm sorry sir I don't know you like that to speak to me that way . " I say about to walk away as his father grabs my wrist. " Luca walk away I'll tend to this . " His father says. "It's a good thing papa this whore needs to be put in her place. " Luca says before I can say anything Lucas father is pulling me away from the ball room . I lock eyes with Victor and give him a look .
We get about ten or so feet outside the dance hall and Roberto catches up to us . He snatches my arm from Lucas dad " Viere is there a reason you've taken my girl out of the ball room ? " Roberto asks pushing me behind him in a way shielding me . Victor walks up behind us " Gentleman why don't we take this somewhere more private . " Victor says putting his hand on Viere's shoulder and Roberto's. Roberto turns and looks at Rex " Take her back to the room I'll be back shortly . " Roberto gives his command .
" I'm not going anywhere I want to know what the hell is going on and why Viere here seems to think he can snatch me around especially when I haven't done anything. " I say to Viere but Victor is the one who speaks . "Lucy let it be you and I will speak soon . Do as Roberto asks and go back to your table enjoy the meal that's about to be served. The men will be back shortly. "He says before he turns and begins to climb the stairs . Like earlier Roberto follows him up and so does Viere .

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