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  I walk past Mateo and sat on the bed , I watch Mateo walk over to the table in my room and fetch the tray lined with food . He walks over to the bed " Aren't you going to eat with me ? "He asks me as he sits down on the bed beside me . He digs in to one of the plates on the platter . I just watch him in silence taking in his face . He truly has changed in the last eight years scars that was never in their new place now cover his chin and next to his eye . His wrinkles are more visible this close to him .

He has a few new ones on his knuckles . I am so caught up in noticing the changes that it takes Mateo to clear his throat " Are you not hungry ?" He asks " Oh yeah sorry . You truly have changed in the last eight years . I haven't really paid attention to it until just a few minutes ago . " I say to him he sits his fork down and wipes his mouth . " You know you've changed to !" Mateo says setting his napkin on the tray . I look down at his hands and then back up to him " We are two different people now Mateo life has changed me and made me a harder person . You are right I have changed I am not the meek little girl who followed your every move . I let you own almost every inch of me body and soul and when you just left me it broke me in a way I will never be able to explain ." I tell him

He runs his hand down my arm . " I can't go back and change the past and I'm not sure I want to . I like how rough life has made you . I have never seen you in a cage but Viere sent me a video clip from the fight you had with his beast . I like the changes that has happened to you . I wished some of the things I could change but I know it's made you who you are in the end and that is something I wouldn't change either . " Mateo says . I stand up off the bed I can't be this close to him while my skin is this raw from the shower . I'm starting to feel the way he used to make me feel .

I take my plate over to the table and set it down . I can't eat right now . I turn to Mateo " I should be getting in bed I can't do this tonight I have a busy day tomorrow ." I tell him walking over to the opposite side of the bed and pulling the covers back , while Mateo walks his tray over to the table . I bed and pull the extra pillows off the bed . I feel Mateo at my backside before I can fully stand . " Now this is a position I can get used to seeing you in " He says before he grinds his erection into my backside .

I push back into Mateo and stand straight throwing the pillows off the bed and onto the floor . " You have somewhere to be right now and I need sleep and as far away from this conversation as possible right now " I tell Mateo with the image of his maid fresh in my mind no way can I let him grind into me knowing she is across the hall waiting for him . He spins me around to look at him " Where do I have to be ?" He asks me confusion etched on his face " Your room is where you need to be " I tell him pulling my arm out of his grip .

" Why do I need to be in my room there is nothing waiting for me other than a cold bed and loneliness . Can't I just sleep in here tonight ? We've been taking turns in each others beds the last two weeks ! What's changed ?" Mateo asks me " I just figured the half naked woman in your room was awaiting your attention . " I say before I climb into bed I see Mateo's face turn from calm and playful to one of fury " WHAT NAKED WOMAN ?" He scream's " Hey don't yell at me Mister I'm not the one who told your maid to wait for Master in his bed chambers !" I say sarcastically before I turn and face away from Mateo .

He climbs on top of me and lays me flat on my back before he applies his full body weight ." You do realize I can still get you off of me even though I am tucked in these covers right ?" I say with a smirk on my face . " I don't care . I haven't asked anyone to go to my room all day . I have been busy in the garden arranging things for my parents visit or with you . Are you jealous ?" Mateo asks me . My eyebrows knit together " Ha me jealous ! NO ! " I say perplexed that he would even think that . " I could care less who you sleep with ! Now if you don't mind I would like to go to sleep !" I tell him trying to roll over . He digs his knees into my side so I can't roll .

" Ugh serious Mateo I don't have time for these games !" I say as I cross my arms over my chest . Mateo runs his finger across my chest " I like how these have filled out more over the last eight years " Mateo says . Just as I am about to reply the door to my room opens and in walks Veronica . She stops in her track when she see's our current position . I reach up and wrap my hands around Mateos neck and pull him down and kiss him like I used to when we used to make out . I know it's not fair and I shouldn't have but in that kiss it sealed both of our fates . I knew in that kiss that there was no way I could ever walk away or let Mateo walk away from me ever again not without a fight .

I hear Veronica clear her throat from the door . I reluctantly pull away from Mateo . I look at him and I can tell that he had the same recollection as I just did . He pull's his gun from the holster from his waist band and points it at Veronica " You have two seconds to leave this room and this house or I will put a bullet in that blonde head of yours " Mateo says . Veronica huffs and stomps her foot . " Your mom told me to brace myself for you slumping it with the help and I have so far but this one I will not allow you to fool around with behind my back " She says in an annoyed tone .

Mateo climbs off the bed rearranging his situation in his pants " She is not help ! She is the love of my life ! She is my childhood sweetheart ! She is also not a woman you ever want to disrespect in my house ever again" Mateo says pointing to me on the bed . She looks over at me " My dad will have your head for this !" She says to me "No she won't " Mrs. Marino says coming from beside the open door . Veronica turns to her " You said he would come around and he would marry me and that as a wife we have to endure things like this . I will not compete with her , My father will kill her " She says turning back to me and Mateo " Mark my words she will be dead " She says before stomping out the door .

Mrs. Marino turns back to us and shrugs her shoulders " I seen her coming this way she got between the doors and I guess heard you guys talking and came in . She'll find out sooner or later that no one can touch you " She says winking at me before she closes the door . 

***Ok guys brace yourselves the next chapter will be rated R!!! Sorry this is a short chapter but I had to give you guys these two chapters today I will try to get you the next chapter tonight !! But I am at work so bare with me love you guys -shay 

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