Chapter 14

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I have been sitting in this chair for the last few hours listening to Andrea talk about how hot and fine Roberto is . " Honestly if you think he is that hot then you maybe you should be going with him tonight instead of me . Take my place . " I tell her she swats my shoulder " Girl hush I am just teasing you .  I have never seen you ever with any guy . Now all of a sudden I get  a call for me to come do your hair and makeup . I show up here and you got this hot as sin man in your living room . Besides that dress will not fit me your body was made for that dress ." She says as she finishes putting some trinkets in place in the way she did my hair . 

" Tell  me if you like it ." She says handing me the mirror and turns me so I can see my hair . "Wow I love it . " I tell her " Good I hoped you would . Now I have to go . Do not ruin my masterpiece . Have fun send me pictures of you and your hot date . " She says as she packs all her stuff up. 

 At about  three o'clock I slip into my dress and heels

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 At about  three o'clock I slip into my dress and heels .

 At about  three o'clock I slip into my dress and heels

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Lord I pray I don't fall and break my neck . This dress has a slip all the way up to my mid thigh . I will have to wear my gun holster on my other thigh . Inside so that way no one notices it . Just as I finish slipping my gun and a extra clip into a garter there comes a knock on the door . 

 I walk over to the door and open it . Roberto has his back turned toward the door as I open it he turns . His face is priceless . " Wow you look nice "He says . "  Thank you . Are you ready to go ?" I ask him . He clears his throat . " Um yeah sorry It's a ways away from here  that's why I suggested we leave early . " Roberto says . " Right you said that already . What  time does it start ?" I ask him . " The party starts in two hours but I have to be there a little early I have a few people to meet up with before the party starts . " Roberto says . " Ok so I will have to find something to keep me preoccupied is essentially what you are telling me . " I state  

 He looks up from his phone . " Yes . Just for a little bit I hope that is ok with you . " Roberto says . I fiddle with the slit of my dress . "Yeah it really isn't a big deal ." I tell him . The rest of the ride is silent . When we reach the place the party is being held I realize it isn't a hotel place he was telling me . It is a mansion . Twice as big as his place . " Wow this place is huge . " I tell him . " Yeah this is Mr. Machetti's place . He is hosting the event this year . " Roberto tells me . Great Victor will be here tonight . " I thought you said that we was going to a hotel for this party ? " I ask him " It was a last minute change in the plans . It was supposed to be held at the Roseta Hotel but last night it was changed to his main house . Something about Ghost being present . " Roberto says . This puts me on full alert . Victor never said anything to me about this party and he never told me that I was being put on blast . I have to find him . 

 "I will be back I shouldn't be gone long no one is really here . So  you should be fine . No one will bother you if they come up to you tell them you are with Vacini's crew . They won't bother you if you tell them that . " Roberto says as he and his guys turn to make there way up the stairs . I have to find Victor . I walk down the hall  and make a few turns . I bump into a guy and he turns " Sorry ma'me their is no guest allowed on this side of the house ." He says to me I take a few steps back . 

 "I'm sorry sir I got a little lost looking for the bathroom . Before I realized it I was down the wrong hallway . Can you show me the way . Also can you tell me if Victor is here ?" I ask knowing that if I ask for Victor on a first name basis this guy will grab Victors attention and I will be called into his office . " Sorry ma'me I am not at a liberty to tell you that information . If you take a left back out this door  straight down the hallway you will find a bathroom ." Big tall guy says clearly trying to intimidate me . If he only knew how clearly not intimidated I was he would laugh.  

I make my way to the bathroom I notice a guy comes from my left headed straight toward me  . I walk into the bathroom not bothering to lock the door . I wait and a few minutes later the door knob slowly twists . The door slowly opens . I pull my gun out of my garter and stand behind the door . As the door opens the guy steps in gun drawn . I put my gun to the back of his head " Drop your gun slowly . Tell me why you are following me . " I demand from him . 

 " Mr. Machetti sent me here to get you and bring you to him . " He says . "  Holster your weapon and take me to where Victor is ." I say in an authoritative tone ." Sorry ma'me I can't holster my weapon . It won't be so open for everyone to see but I have to walk you to Mr. Machetti with my gun at least at your hip . " He says ." Trust you me Victor won't say anything to you . Just take me to him ." I tell him .

 "It's your funeral . " He says ." I doubt it . " I tell him as he snatches my arm . " If you only knew who's arm you was snatching on you'd rethink putting your hands on me . " I tell him as we begin to walk in the direction he's leading me . We walk down a few hallways and into a big open office . " Mr. Machetti will be with you shortly . " He says . I nod my head . " I will have to stay with you until he gets in here to make sure you don't touch anything you are to supposed to touch . Or that you don't plant anything you aren't supposed to plant ." He says . I sit behind Victors desk and prop my heels up on his desk . " I have always wanted to see what it felt like to sit in his chair. I must say it feels nice  ." I say just as the door opens . 

 In walks Victor and Vinny . Victor takes one look at me and dismisses the guy who walked me in . I stand up from his chair and walk over to him . " So I hear my name is being thrown around tonight . I am supposed to make a visit ?"  I ask him pulling on his tie . " No I haven't said you would be here . How did you hear about this party ?" He asks me . " I am here with Roberto he's the one who told me that Ghost was supposed to be here tonight . " I enlighten him . " Oh yeah I did tell him that . But I didn't think you was actually coming tonight . " Victor says . " Yeah I knew it was work related for Roberto but I didn't know everyone was going to be here tonight . I hope you know that I am not making any appearances tonight I didn't come here as Ghost I came here with Roberto not that I really had a choice . He bought my dress and basically made me come with him . " I tell Victor rolling my eyes . I know and Victor knows that he didn't really make me do it no one makes me do anything I don't want to do . 

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