chapter 3

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" You can't be serious ? " I ask him perplexed. " Yes I can . Now make your decision before it is made for you . " He states . I cross my arms and huff out a breathe of air I've held for to long . " Look I appreciate you saving my life I  really do . But I am at my gym now I have a Dr. who can take care of me . I don't need your help anymore ." I tell him pointing at the gym building . " You may not need it , but you will take it besides I have a proposition for you . " He says stating the obvious . " I have no intentions of any ind of relationship . " I tell him . 

 " Well I guess it is a good thing , Since the only relationship I need is a person in business ." He says clearly annoyed with where this conversation is going . " Business ? Look I'm not a hooker and I'm not for sale ! " I tell him seething mad . " Woh woh there I'm not trying to bother you " He says raising his voice and his hands in defense . Confused a little I  ask him " Then what do you want ?" He sighs " Let me take you home we will talk about it there ." I throw my hands up in defeat this man isn't giving up at all . 

  " Fine ! But I am riding with Vinny . " I tell him point blank . He steps aside " I'll follow beside's none of my men need to know about this arrangement . I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone else about it either ." He says stepping into his vehicle . " Vinny I live at 541 Bronx Lane " I  tell him . He put's it in his phone and set's our course . We pull up to my house I get out and Victor follows behind into my place . 

 "This is my place . Do you want something to drink ? " I ask him .He shakes his head " No I am good . Look Doc will be here momentarily after he leaves you and I need to talk . Do you  want to take a shower before he gets here ?" He asks me as he walks over to my lounge chair . He unbuttons his suit jacket and sits down and crosses his right ankle over his left knee ." You gonna stand there or you going to shower and change ?" He ask me . As I watch this man make himself comfortable in my place like he and I have been friends for years . 

 " I'll be back don't mess with anything . I expect everything to still be in the same spot as I left It . " I warn him squinting my eyes , perking my lips in warning . I head to my room since Doc will be here in a few minutes and there is a man in my living room that I barely know . I jump in the shower and wash all the blood off of me . I get out dry off careful not to pull anymore stitches . throw on some clothes and head out of my room . I head to the living room where Doc , Vinny , Victor and three other burly men are sitting on my couch . While some stand by the doorway . 

 I clear my throat , " So do you want to check on the stitches here or in my room ?" I ask addressing Doc . " It's your choice I can check them here or in privacy " Doc says ." Mine as well do it here . It's not like these guy's don't know what a bra or breast look like ." O say pulling my shirt up over my head . I turn around so Doc can take a look. " Not popped or pull just a little irritated . Running and your shirt grabbing the stitch has caused them to get irritated  . Take it easy from here on out . " Doc tell's me sternly applying some antibiotic ointment cream to my back . " Can you apply this cream to your back ?" Doc asks me . 

 "Yes sir I can and what I can't reach I can get my friend to apply . " I tell him just as he hands me the tube of ointment . He clear's his throat and turns to Victor " Boss I am done here ." He says and Victor looks at one of his me standing inside the house and signals him over . " Give Doc a ride back to his place . I'll see you back at the warehouse ." he orders him . He then turns his attention to me " Have a seat Ms .Lucy " He tell's me . I cross my arms over my chest in defiance . "Is that an order ?" I ask him . " No Lucy it's not ." Victor states . 

 I take a seat on the sofa his men just vacated . " So what's this business proposition?" I ask him . " First I want you to know if anyone outside of this organization finds out about this I will kill you . " He says in a serious tone and a serious look plastered on his face . I stare at him with wide eyes  "You have to have an inkling of the type of man I am by now " He says . In that moment everything clicks blacked out rides , the blindfold , the warehouse , his own private Doctor . " Are you in some sort of crime family ?" I ask him . He chuckles . " Not a crime family The crime family I am the leader of the most feared Mafia Gang in all of New York all the way down to Florida across to California . " he says making a statement . I don't know if I should be afraid but in this moment I don't feel fear I feel pride for some reason . " If I find out you are a traitor or that you are talking I will kill  you make no fuss about it . I won't flinch understand ?" He asks me . I shake my head " Yes I understand . " I Say . 

 Present :22 years old 

Sarah comes running up to me snapping me out of my thought of when I first met Victor . " Hey that guy that bumped into you last night is in the parking lot he is even cuter during the day ." She says a little breathless . " Oh no ! I hope he isn't coming in here . He was such an ass last night . "I tel her . "Ass or not girl he's hot . You need someone to knock them cobwebs out of that Vagina of yours . Look if you don't want him I'll take him ." She say's pulling on the gum she is currently smacking on . 

 "Look do whatever it is you need to do with whoever it is you need to do it with . You know I don't date . I don't have time for it . Relationships are to complicated , right now you know I can't afford complications ." I tell her just as the door's open and in he walks with the same two assholes who accompanied him from last night at the club ."Watch where they sit . You can take their table today and F*ck whoever it is you want . " I tell her . Her eye's light up " You are so awesome " She says to me . She watches the guy's walk to my section and take a seat . Just as a a couple take a seat in her section . "We'll swap " She say's . "You take them while I take the guy's and we'll just watch the rest of out table's as we go ." She says .

 " Fine with me ."I say grabbing menus walking to the couple ." Hi! Welcome to Nancy's cafe . I'm Lucy I will be your server for this evening . Can I start you off with some drinks or an appetizer ?" I ask setting down their menus . I take their  orders and walk to the computer to put in their order . As soon as I am just about done Sarah come's back to me pissed ."What's the matter ?" You ok ?" I ask her .  " Yeah I am fine they don't want me they want you to wait on them ." she says " I'm sorry tell them we've swapped three tables in each section for the day ." I tell her and watch her walk back to them to relay the message . I fix the couples drink's and bring them to their table . "I placed your order it should be ready in about ten minutes . Can I get you anything else ?"I ask them . "No thanks sweetie we are good here ." They both say in unison .

 I grab my water pitcher and make my way over to my section to take care of the few tables while I wait on Sarah's table's food to come out . On my way passed Ass hat's table someone grabs my arm and halts my progress almost making me spill water everywhere . I turn on my heel pissed . "What is your problem Asshole ?"I say to whoever has a grip on my arm . 

 " My problem? What's your problem ?" He asks . " I don't have one . In fact I'm not the one who crabbed you , you grabbed me . " I tell him . "Obviously you do if you can't wait on our table in your section ." He say's to me . " Look I don't know who you are buddy , but you can take your filthy manicured tattoo paws off of me. Before I break it ."I Say . 

 He laughs not a little laugh but a full blown belly laugh . " Darling you don't scare me " he says . "Good fear isn't something I meant to instill in someone , but I am telling you to take your hands off of me ."I tell him . He look's over to his other two buddies that are accompanying him . " Rex , Javier You hear this . This girl said she is going to break my hand ! " He says to the two who laugh . "Yeah man we heard her . Little girl's got a big mouth on her for such a tiny whore ." He says .

 I gasp . I cut my eye's at dumb ass number one . " I'm sorry dumb ass , but what did you just call me ?" I ask him . He stand's up eyeing me and get's in my face . "Name's Rex to you whore . " He says shoving his pointer finger in my face . By this time over half the restaurant is starring at the scene they have all just had to witness . I'll be surprised if I have a job after this . 

 "Rex is it ?  Oh gosh where did my manners go ? " I say smacking my forehead . "Oh that's right they didn't teach us manners at Whore school . " I say pouring water on his head . Javier jumps up and steps between the two of us . "Bitch " Rex hollers at me . "Settle down Rex you ask for that . Set back down before the boss gets here . This is the only place we can meet that's not across the boarder . " Ass number one says , turning to me " You'll have to excuse Rex he's a little hungry ." Javier says before setting back down . 

 I turn my attention back to the head asshole . Let go of me for the last time . I have other tables to attend to ." I tell him " Yes you do starting with ours . Let that other Bitch take care of the other tables . " He says to me . " No we had a deal today . I'm sorry you are just stuck with Sarah . She is an excellent server ." I say pulling on my arm . Which this man doesn't want to seem to let go of . I grab his wrist and put pressure on his pressure point . Once he releases my arm . I grab his hand and twist it hearing it grind . "Next time I tell you to turn me loose you do it . " I tell him just as my boss come's out the kitchen . " Lucy ! " He call's me wagging his finger at me . 

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