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Victor's face appears on the computer screen as big as day . He looks completely as shocked as I do . " This can't be happening . " Victor says . " I look back and forth between the two . " I know love I know . I am just as shocked as you are to see you found our little rose . But then you turned her into a savage . I have to say at first I was pissed but then I thought to myself I could use this to my advantage . " She says

In that very moment I am taken back to when I was maybe five or six at the orphanage . I remember my mother stopping by to see me before she moved . She had stopped by to tell me that she had gotten married and was moving away to start a new life one I couldn't go with her . I remember the sound of her voice . This woman is not my mother .

With this memory I rise to my feet despite this woman and Joey standing above me . I turn to her . " How old was I when you left ?" I ask her . She looks at me a moment and then speaks " What do you mean ? I left when you was a new born ." She states like it's no big deal ." Oh trust me I know that but how often did you visit me ?" I ask her knowing the truth . I am about to bust this piece of shit . " I never visited you . I couldn't bear to see you knowing your father didn't want us together as a family . Did you tell her you didn't want her ?" She says looking to the camera asking Victor .

" Don't answer that Vic . Matter of fact you can end this live stream right now . Don't pay this fraud a dime . " I tell them turning to the woman and Joey . " You can kill me if you want I don't care anymore . But I will not stoop to this low life's games . She isn't my mother . She may be some kin to me or my actual mother but she is definitely not my mother . If you was you would have known how many times you visited me and when your last visit was . " I say sitting down in the chair . That Vinchinzo was sat in earlier today . Vinchinzo and Joey both look at the woman standing beside me in disbelief . Victor looks to the left of the screen and nods his head and then he looks to me.

" Hang tight sweet heart we will get you hopefully soon . " He says I see him sign something . Something I taught him long ago . The woman doesn't miss it and flips her shit when everyone who was on the screen goes completely off . They all turned their cameras off . I know that move . Victor knows where I am .

He's coming for me . I watch the woman in front of me flip the table sling the camera against the wall . I watch it break into a million pieces . She turns to me and charges for me with the pointer finger just a pointing at me . "YOU WHAT DID HE TELL YOU ? WHAT DOES HE WANT ?" She says screaming in my face . Pushing her finger out of my face I stand nose to nose with her . " You must think I am scared of you ? Have you not seen today what I can withstand yet you got the nerve to stand in my face and scream at me . What you think your two p*ssies will save you ?" I say laughing in her face .

She reared back and slapped the shit out of me . Which throws me off balance a little . I slowly gather my whits and slowly stand straight . " You definitely have some kind of balls I will give you that much . " I say before I wrap my hands around her throat . It will take Joey and several men to get me off this B*tch . I feel her wind pipe crush under my hands . I squeeze with everything I have in me . She tries her best to scratch at my face and to punch me but its a task she can hardly manage . I can slowly feel her life slipping with each passing minute .

Right before she blacks out Joey and a few guys finally pull my hands free of her neck . She coughs and splutters for air . Joey tries to help her breath . I can see her panic . I know that her windpipe is crushed and whether I am squeezing or not she will die . This way it will be a slow and painful death . I watch with satisfaction knowing that unless they get her to a hospital to give her a tracheotomy its useless . I can tell that the way they all are panicking no one can help her . She steadily grabs at her throat gasping . I can hear her gurgling on the blood that is slowly filling her airway .

I stand and make my way to the door which is standing wide open . I notice the tool table before I can even take one step outside the door . I notice there is a loaded gun on the table. I remember my cards in my back pocket . I grab one and fling it on the floor . It lands right in front of Joey . He catches site of it and looks up . Instead of being met with my eyes he's starring down the barrel of a .45 special . He slowly stands up off the ground with his hands raised in surrender . I soon realize this is a distraction as Vinchinzo starts to slowly crawl over to the tool table . I don't give him a chance to move . I shoot his hands and his knees . " He will eventually bleed out just like your B*tch of a woman over there . I think I will give you the same fate that you tried to give me not once but now twice . Except you see this time I will make sure you don't walk away or that you are not taken off to the hospital ." I tell him . 

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