Chapter 7

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 Walking down the hall to my room we disconnect the call and I hit the off button on the cameras . Just as I'm about to climb into bed there is a knock on my front door . I look at the clock 1 am . Who the hell is here now ? I walk to the door  "Lucy it's me Jim let me in I got a job to do . " Jimmy says I quickly unlock the door and pull him in . " Did anyone see you ? " I ask looking left and right before I close the door . 

" Not that I know of " he says to me . " Ok you know where all Vic and Toni's bugs are ! " I tell him . He nods yes and begins his sweep for bugs which comes up clean . " You are good " He says . " yeah I wasn't in there long enough for him to leave one without us seeing . I turned the monitor on quickly . " I tell Jimmy . " Well I'll be seeing you ." He says heading out . " Thanks Jimmy for coming out ." I say he just turns and nods . " No problem it's my job " He replies to me . 

 The next morning as I'm drinking my coffee and eating my breakfast I decide to read my information sheet I got from Vic last night . Low and behold I'll get my revenge and so will a boss . Alex Vacini is my target . I smell victory . I grab all my gear and pack a bag I'll go off the grid until this job is done . On my way to my second home I pass by all the Gym's of the people I need to speak to . I grab all of my previous contracts before I make my way to the gym to confront Joey . 

 As I step inside I see Issac on the bag . "Where is Joey ?" I ask him from across the gym . " In his office he'll be out in a minute ." he tells me . I nod and head to the locker . I empty all of my belongings in my gym bag and close my now empty locker . I take my name tag down and throw it in the trash . With my locker cleaned out I throw my bag over my shoulder and head back out into the main gym area . I see Joey still hasn't come out of his office so I head there next . I've already called Roberto so it's no surprise when he steps into the gym . His posy in tow . 

 I wave him over " ready " I ask him . He waves his hand in front of him . "After you ." He says we walk into Joey's office . He's sitting behind his desk going over some papers , he doesn't even look up . " I'll be out in a minute Issac." He says . I throw all my past contracts on the desk " I want my 60 % from each fight . Plus interest since you have never paid me a dime when you got paid for my wins . " I say as his head snaps up from his desk . " Lucy it's not what you think ." He says . "Oh yeah ! Then what is it ? Tell me what it looks like ? Because form where I am sitting it looks like you used me ." I say to him through gritted teeth . 

 He stutters " I was in debt when I first started pushing your fights . You are my best fighter here . I seen a profit I came to you with the idea . You said it wasn't about the money so if you didn't want your cut I decided I could use it and pay off my debt . I never imagined your fights would ever make it this far . I wasn't going to continue until I seen how much I was making off just your fights alone . That's how I was able to make the repairs around here and to open a second gym . " He says to me .

 "When I said no to making money I meant  it . I didn't mean you could go behind my back and still make a profit . Give Roberto his money back . I'll be back in a month's time to collect my money . Don't even think of slipping out of town. I'll know if you do " I tell him . He stands pushing his chair back in the process and grabs Roberto's check and hands it to him . " By the  way I quit . So you'll have to find you another cash cow .You both better tear up your contracts . I won't be fighting at least not with this promoter , " I say opening Joeys office door . 

 I turn to Roberto as we exit the gym . " I want someone on him until I get my money . You mind assigning someone to him ?" I ask him ." Consider it done ." He says to me opening his car door to climb in the back . Before his ride pull's off he roll's down the window " I still want to see the fight happen . I want to see you fight in a real ring call me when you are ready . " He says to me . I just wave to him goodbye before I hop on the back of my bike and head to Ghost's house . A little condo in Manhattan . 

 After making sure I wasn't followed .I pull into my parking spot at the condo .It's so beautiful here . Especially the view  I have the whole top of this floor to myself with easy access to the roof . After unloading all the necessity I need for this job I order me some Chinese food and eat dinner . While I plan out my hit down to the tee nothing can go wrong . I need a fool proof plan . AS soon as I make sure everything is perfect I place my call " Tay here " Tay my arms dealer says . " Yeah it's me I need a clean Ghost M 1911 .I need it in fifteen I got 2 large corner of 2nd and 5th drop in can number one pick up money on the corner of 7th street . "I tell him ." AH L you can't give me a task like that with so little time . I need at least thirty minutes to find the gun , Thirty minutes to but the gun and then fifteen minutes to meet you at the location . " Tay says . 

 " Fine meet me in the morning I'll have your money you bring the 1911 with you we'll have breakfast at Luigi's " I tell him hanging up on him .  I next call Vic . He answers on the first ring " Lucy ?" He ask's in a panic . " Yeah boss it's me " I tell him " Glad you are ok . " He says blowing out a sigh of relief . I'm completely confused . " What are you talking about of course I am ok . Why wouldn't I be ?" I ask him ." Your place blew up about an hour ago Jimmy said Joey was there leaving a package and about five minutes later boom . " He says .

 "That bastard . Let me call you right back . " I say to Vic . I grab my other phone and call the last person I ever thought I'd have to make a call to ever again . Roberto . He answers on the first ring . " Lucy ! " He sounds out of breath . " Yep it is me " I reply " Cole said Joey blew up your place . " He says . "Yeah that's what a friend just called me and told me . Listen well leave it as me being in the house and it blowing up . For now let Joey get comfortable thinking I am dead . Have Cole send me proof of Joey placing the bomb and detonating it . "I tell him .

 "Will do ! How long do you plan on staying dead ? " He asks me . " I'm not sure . Why ? " I ask him curiosity getting the best of me . " I'd like to see you training at my gym .I train there Six days a week . Stop by sometime put my men through there paces . " He says . I sigh but before I can respond he continues . " You owe me that much . Joey sitting has a cost . Just like everything else does . " He says . " Yeah suppose it does . It won't be today or tomorrow but send me the gyms address . I'll pop in one day ." I tell him ." Good I'll let the guards know to keep an eye out and let you in . " He says before disconnecting the call .

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