Chapter 23

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(2032 words)

I walk over to my desk and pull out a folder with all the paper work I signed a few years ago it's labeled 'Ghost' I turn and hand it to him . " Remember what I said earlier . " I tell him handing him over the folder . He sits down at my desk and flips through the folder . He then looks at me in shock . " So you are saying to me that you are Ghost ?" He asks me in disbelief . I nod my head yes . " You ? The woman I have been seeing . You are setting here telling me that you are Ghost ? The woman I have been telling you exactly how bad ass this Ghost person is . You expect me to believe that you are Ghost ?" He asks me in disbelief " Yes Roberto that is me ." I tell him . He laughs like full out from the bottom of his belly laugh. " Yeah ok and I am the President of The United States of America . You are truly crazy if you think I believe you and any of this sh*t ." He says . I just look at him in disbelief . He honestly doesn't believe me . " You seriously don't believe me ?" I ask him just to make sure . He just continues to laugh at me and shakes his head no . 

" Look if you didn't want to be with me you should have just said so . Making up stories about being Ghost and about the pictures earlier which I still don't know how you got them . But I would have let you go if you didn't want this relationship . " He says throwing the folder on my desk ." That's not why I told you this at all . I just figured since we was going to take this relationship to the next level and you had been honest with me it was time for me to share my truth with you . " I tell him 

" You cant tell anyone whether you believe me or not until I decide to let everyone know my truth . " I tell him " I don't think it is best if we continue this relationship . I will have all your stuff bought over here from my place . Just remember if you say anything I will kill you ." He says. " I would seriously just think about letting this being a break since when you truly realize this is the truth and we are over . We could never date again . " I yell at his retreating back . I'll take that as it didn't go so well since he slams my door . If anyone asks we are just on a break until he shows me he's serious about breaking up . 

I sit and wait for him to return after an hour I realize he isn't coming back . I am pis*ed . This right here is why I don't date and why I never wanted to tell anyone who I truly was . I know exactly what I have to do . I make my plan and set I in motion . He thinks I just told him a lie . Well I'll set out to prove him wrong . I just hope for his sake it's not to late .

It has been three weeks since I told Roberto who I was and since I seen him last . I have moved houses and I am currently in the process of saleing the gyms . I now officially wear my Mafia ring . I have decide to embrace Ghost and have decided to let go of my 'normal ' life as plain ole Lucy . All the head Mafia men are having a meeting tonight . It's my first official meeting . Roberto will be there . I'm not ready to see him yet the wound is still to fresh , but I will have to put all that to the side . I have asked Victor to keep it a secret that I will be there tonight . I'll be going with Victor but I will arrive after everyone is there and set up . It's time everyone knows who Ghost truly is .

 I am tired of living in secret . I'm taken out of my thought by a knock at the front door . I look through the peep hole and sigh in relief . It's just Olivia my tattoo artist . I've not left my place since Roberto and I split and I bought this place . I don't want his men to see me and snatch me up . I open the door for Liv " How much time do we have and how big of a tattoo are you getting ?" She asks me getting straight to the point . She walks in and immediately begins to set up her gear . I close and lock the door ." 

We've got time and I just want this on the back of my neck ." I tell her handing her a symbol I drew up of all the Mafia's symbols intertwined . "Whoah that's bada*s ! What's it mean?" She asks me . " Just something I seen and liked can you do it or not ?" I ask her . " Yes I can just give me a minute to finish setting up and draw it and well go from there ." She says walking away . It takes her about fifteen minutes to trace it . She sets it aside and sets up her tattoo machine . She looks at me " Ready ?" She asks me ." I was born ready ." I tell her .

It takes her a good two hours to finish the tattoo . Liv wipes my neck off and applies a moisturizer to the area . " You know the drill keep it clean and hydrated . Don't pick it if it peels." She says . I stand and walk over to the mirror by the door and look at my newest addition " Wow it looks better than I could have imagined . I like how you added your own flare to it . Thanks Liv it is amazing ." I tell her paying her way more that she's asked for . " Thank you for everything Liv . " I say to her opening the door for her .

" This is to much money Lucy . " She says " No it's not now go open that tattoo parlor you have always talked about opening " I tell her . She hugs me tight ." Thanks Lucy " she says " No problem . See you around . Now go be great ." I tell her closing and locking the door . I walk over to the bar where my phone is sitting and see if anyone has called . I see one from Roberto .

R- We need to talk . I have to see you .

R- Did you move ?

R- You sold your place ?

R- Luc we really need to talk .

R- CALL ME ....

Apart of me wants to call him or text him back just to see what he wants . Then I remind myself that he walked out on me not the other way around . I have done explained myself . If it's so important he can tell me at the meeting tonight .

It's about five minutes until the meeting starts and I can't help but feel nervous . I'm not even sure why I'm nervous either . Most of the bosses have arrived and are already inside waiting for the meeting to start . Victor text me about thirty minutes ago and told me to stay put . He's labeled my chair so I officially have a seat at the big boy's table . I'm waiting on the word to come in . I'm growing impatient . Just as soon as I am about to call Victor my phone rings a call from Victor . " I was just about to call you . " I say to him .

" Sorry we had a situation to deal with in here . You can enter now . Meet Vinny by the gate he'll let you in . " He says just before he disconnects the call .Typical Victor never saying goodbye . I get out of the car lock it and make my way to the gate . I notice some of Roberto's men around his vehicle they are starring at me . Before any of them can walk over to me Vinny shows up to the gate and grabs my arm . " Are you sure about this ? There is no going back once the Ghost is out of the bag . " He asks me . " Yes Vin I am ready . It's time I should have done this years ago . " I tell him truthfully . As we are walking to the door Vinny turns to me .

 " You should know Roberto is here . He doesn't know you are here or that you are coming ." He says I scoff . " You did see his goons right . They know who I am . I am sure by now he knows I am here . " I tell him . " No he doesn't no one is allowed to bring a phone into this meeting . Speaking of which I am going to need your phones . You can have them back after this meeting is over . " He says as we near the door . I pull my two phones out of my back pocket and hand them over to Vinny . " Here we go deep breath . 

Sh*ts about to get real from here on out . NO more living a normal life now it's constantly looking over your shoulder . You can still change your mind if you want . " Vinny says as we hear Victor talking " I'm sure . " I tell him . " Now I know I told you all that there is a surprise guest and they should be walking in at any minute . Before they enter I ask that you all be on your best behavior and that you show this person the utmost respect after all she is the Queen of the Mafia and mob . She has killed more men by herself than every man in this room . She has laid the foundation for some of you to be in the position you are in right now ." Victor says and we hear a rumble of voices .

I didn't know they looked at me as the Queen of the Mafia . Well I guess that shouldn't come as a surprise seeing as I am the only female to ever hold a head title in this organization . Although only Victor was the only one that has ever knew my true gender identity . Well him and Toni . Vinny puts his hand on my lower back and pushes forward as we hear the door nob turn . 

" Settle down men . Settle down . Now without further adue . It is my pleasure to introduce you all to Ghost ." Victor says and that's my que . I listen to the room instantly go silent . And then a roar of whispers . I take a deep breath and open the door . Stepping into a room full of tension .

 This is either about to go good or bad .  

 *** Here we go ladies and gentleman buckle up cause it is about to get just a we bit ugly here in the next few chapters . Thank you all for bearing with me . I am having just a bit of computer trouble . 

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