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It has been two weeks since Mateo picked me up at Viere's place . I have yet to call Roberto or Victor to let them know I am safe . Mateo has threatened me twice already today that he will call Victor if I don't soon . I wonder out to the balcony looking out over the garden . It truly is beautiful here , but I do need to give credit Roberto's place is way more grand than this place . It is more pristine than Mateo's but Mateo's flower garden is the most impeccable flower garden I have ever seen .

I pull out the phone Mateo's men gave to me the second night I was here . I dial Mateo's number . He answers on the second ring "You do realize you could walk down here and enjoy the flowers instead of staying in your room like a hermit . " He says " Yeah Yeah I know . Do me a favor call a meeting I think it's time to let the table and my dad know I am fine and alive . I also want to know who Viere was talking about when he called me a few days ago to tell me that before he handled Issac that He told him that he tried to offer me to someone else before Joey got there . I want to know who this person is . I want to walk in with you after everyone gets there . " I tell Mateo who I hear sigh on the other end of the phone .

" I understand your need for Justice but I don't think letting your dad and Roberto know that you are alive at the meeting is a good idea you need to call them and let them know first that you will be in attendance tonight . " Mateo says ." Can't you for once trust me and do as I ask ?" I ask him in an exasperated voice . " You act like I don't trust you ! " Mateo says standing from his lounge chair he turns and faces the balcony I am currently standing on . " You know good and well that I trust you if I didn't you would not be in my house staying right across the hallway from me . I know what you are capable of trust me if I didn't trust you you damn sure wouldn't be in my house I would have put you up in a safe house or one of my condo houses ." Mateo says rubbing his face . He turns his wrist and looks at his watch " Fine if this is what you want I will make the call you better start getting ready I know how fast they like to make the meetings once they are set in motion ." Mateo says before he disconnects the phone .

I look at the time on my phone I had a shower this morning so I just need to get dressed . I walk over to the walk in closet Mateo had a woman come over the second day after he got me from Viere's and had her stock my closet with clothes . If I didn't know any better I would say Mateo wants me in a non-platonic kind of way . Don't get me wrong Mateo is some kind of FINE but I need to sort my shit with Roberto before I let any man in my pants . I do need to decide fast though before my choice is taken from me .

I walk down the steps and head toward the back door when Mateo and his guys walk through the door . " I was just coming to let you know I was ready " I say to Mateo " Good because we are ready to go . Are you sure you want to do this ?" Mateo asks as he walks up beside me . He grabs hold of my elbow I watch all the guys eyes be diverted from where we are currently standing . " I like this outfit . I am definitely glad I ask Risa to come over you look way better in clothes more suited to your body . " Mateo says letting his eyes wander the outfit he paid for .

" Here I was thinking that I rocked your shirts ! " I say with a fake pout . Mateo wraps his arms around my torso " Oh you definitely looked amazing in my shirt . Matter of fact I now sleep in that very shirt ! " Mateo says I push at his chest and roll my eyes " Yeah right I am sure if that was the case you wouldn't have went overboard on my wardrobe " I tell Mateo just as he is about to say something one of his guys walks in the front door . Mateo lets go of me but on of his hands remains in the dip of my back .

" Vehicle is ready boss " The man says stepping to the side so we can walk past him . I look down at my outfit choice and begin to rethink it as I notice everyone's eyes are starring " Should I go change ?" I whisper to Mateo . He stops in his tracks and turns to me with a confused look " NO ! Why do you ask that ?" Mateo asks me . I wave my hands at the men behind us " Everyone is starring . I feel a bit exposed " I tell him honestly . He turns to the men and without warning fires three shots simultaneously " Anyone else want to stare and make Lucy feel uncomfortable in my house ?" Mateo asks holding his gun in the air as one guy falls face first after the bullet pierced his skull . Two more drop to their knees the bullets he shot at them barely grazed any major arteries . All his men turn their backs to us or they avert their gaze .

I turn to Mateo " And you say I am dramatic ? You do know you didn't have to shoot anyone to get your point across right ?" I ask him as I turn and walk to the car . Mateo catches up to me as I make it to the car . " You do know that I have the right to kill my own men I just don't have the right to kill anyone else outside of my own organization . " Mateo says as he unbuttons his suit jacket and climbs in the seat beside me .

"So how do you want this to play out ?" Mateo asks me , I turn to him my knee touches his " I want to walk in after everyone is there . I know that most people are facing you so I want you to watch their faces I will watch the faces of those beside you ." I tell him " What exactly are you looking for ?" Mateo asks me . I cock my head to the side " I don't know Regret , deceit ? I am not to sure right now but I will know it once I see it and so should you !" I tell him as I turn in my seat . I feel my shorts ride up " Yeah I probably should have changed I forgot you had leather seats . Short shorts and leather don't go so well together " I tell Mateo as I stand just enough to pull my shorts down .

Mateo cocks his head to the side " Now I know you know I was quiet capable of pulling those down for you you only had to ask ." Mateo says in a cocky way . I hear one of his men up front chuckle . Mateo pops them both in the back of the head " Eyes and ears forward . " Mateo says in an authoritative voice .

" You know I never thought I would ever see you again Tae " I say running my finger up the length of Mateo's arm . Calling him the nickname I gave him when we was younger . I know what that name used to mean to Mateo . I know right now I am teasing the tiger but I just can't help myself ! No one was allowed to call him that other than me and his dad once he found out I called him that . " You know after we moved I made my dad stop calling me that . By the way he and mom will be by sometime later tonight if that is ok they are flying in . " Mateo says my face lights up " Tae I have not seen them in years . You know it is totally fine with me it is your place not mine you don't need my permission . Especially for your parents to come over ! Oh gosh now this makes me wish I would have just called and told Victor I was home and safe " I say just as a smile spreads across Tae's face . Its an infectious smile " What ?" I ask him cocking my head to the side " Nothing " Tae says his eyes telling me a different story . They linger a little longer on my face until he turns to face the front .

I do the same I recognize some of the buildings which means we are getting closer to the location of the meeting place . " You know bunny I never thought I would ever see you again . I am so glad I ran into you that night at Victor's ball and I am so very glad you have agreed to work for me and be contracted out if I don't need you that day for the rest of the organizations . " Tae says as we pull in the gates where the meeting will take place . " I truly feel for the man who tried to take you Lucy . I truly do !" Tae says .

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