chapter 21

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"Now you know I already have a hard time controlling myself around you knowing sex is off the table and you want to add you in a bubble bath to the mix." He says I cock my eyebrow " Who says sex is off the table tonight ? " I ask him . " Be lucky I have a meeting or I'd take you across this desk right here right now . " He says and I pout . " I'll meet you back at my place . "He says kissing me on the lips before walking out the office door .

Lucy focus. I snap myself out of my bubble . I finish signing everyone's contracts sign the checks to pay all the bills for the gym .  Before I can walk out  of the office Xander the new guy steps in . " that was a hell of a fight out there . " He says " it wasn't meant to be a show it was a sparring session everyone just happens to like watching when Isaac and I spar.  It's been like that since the  very first time we ever stepped in the cage together. " I tell Xander.  Who sits in front of my desk. 

" Is there  something you needed?  I was just headed out. " I ask him curiously . " You own this gym ? " he asks me . " Yes I do" I reply " do you know who that guy was that just left here ? He asks me . Confused I ask him " I'm not sure what you mean lots of people walk in and out of here everyday " I tell him " the guy who just left out of your office! " He says agitated . Oh he's talking about Roberto.  " Sure . He trains here some when he's in the neighborhood.  " I tell him not wanting to blast our relationship to someone I don't know you never know who is a enemy . " You should steer clear of him and if you do business I wouldn't.  He's bad news . " Xander tells me .

"Thanks for the tip I'll keep that in mind. Now if you don't mind I have bills to go pay see ya Xander and welcome to the gym . " I say standing to leave the office . He catches my arm as I step out of the office .  " I'm serious Lucy be careful he's dangerous.  " He tells me . I see Clayton and Rex make there way over . I just want them off , but as I'm not their boss they continue their way over to us . I yank my arm free " I appreciate the warning . I really do but I'm quiet capable of handling myself ." I tell him. 

" I seen that clearly , but ask all the women who he's abused how they though they could handle themselves.  " He says stepping closer . He smwhispers in my ear ." Meet me tonight 9:00 Boris Pool hall I'll have your proof.  " He says walking away just as Clayton and Rex reach us . " You ok Lucy?" Rex asks me . " Oh yeah ! Perfect.  We was just discussing his schedule . He's new to the gym . He didn't understand why since he was just transferring gyms he couldn't come on a regular basis.  Some men can't handle a woman being in control of their schedules or hold a power over them .  " I tell them.

They both look at each other " Ah ok ! Well you ready to go ? " Rex asks me " Yes I need to go to the bank and make a few deposits and then I need to go back to my place . I'll meet you both back at Roberto's place . " I tell them . Rex looks at me " uh actually boss wants us to stay with you today . " He says . I just look at him perplexed . " Um no sir I'm not a baby . I can take care of myself . You'll drop me off at my place and then leave . Got it ." I tell them Clay picks up his phone.  " Boss Lucy wants us to drop her off at her place and sgemm meet us at your place.  " He says . He listens to Roberto nods a few times and then hands me the phone.  " Yes ?" I say annoyed " why can't you just go with Rex and Clayton? " he asks me . " Because I have a life outside of you . I do have things I need to do before I come over to your place.  " I tell him . He sighs " You know if you would just move in this wouldn't even be a discussion " He says . I exhale a breath " look I have to go . I'll see you at your place at 10:30 ok ? " I tell him " Lucy?  " he says " Yes! " I sigh " Be safe I'll see you at my place at 10:30 " He says " I'm always safe .  " I tell him and hand Clayton his phone back.  " Shall we boys ? " I ask Rex and Clayton " Yes " they says in unison.

At 8:45 I find myself sitting on a stool at Boris Pool hall waiting on Xander.  No clue why I'm actually here . Call it curiosity . Surely if there was any information on Roberto , Victor would have found it .  I don't have to wait long because Xander walks in about five minutes after I've sat down and ordered me a drink.  He sits down next to me.  " So what's this proof you just had to show me ? " I ask him.  He pulls out a manilla envelope and slides it across the bar top . " Don't say I didn't warn you "  He says walking out the bar . I pay for my drink and walk to my car . I'll open this back at my place .

I drive the fifteen minutes back to my place and open the package that Xander gave me . The first few pages I knew about because it's all about his life in the mafia which of course I knew . But when I get to the fifth page what I see floors me . Picture after picture of Roberto beating women . I'm not sure where these pictures was taken.  I've not seen any of these walls inside his mansion.  I feel sick . This is a whole new level of pyscho.  I know how the men in the mafia work and their tastes.  But I have never seen this level before not especially with a man I am currently in a relationship with . I hope he knows I'm not into this type of shit .

I realize that the last few was taken the last few weeks.  We've been together for  four months. I knew he wouldn't stay faithful. At least I should have known . He's a man . He has needs but it doesn't stop the hurt and anger I feel in this moment.  I get to the last page and it's a letter .
L ,
   There is a video I have if you need further that he's bad news . I'd just hate to see another woman have to suffer from this mans hands .  You know where to find me if you wish to see the rest of the proof .
My phone rings bringing me back into the now . Roberto's name flashes on the screen . I hit the ignore button.  I don't have the words to speak to him right now . He doesn't get the memo because he calls me three times back to back after the third time I hear a knock on my front door . F*ck . I really don't need any visitors right now . I put all the information back in the envelope and put it on my book shelf . I look through the peep hole . Crap.  It's Roberto and Rex.  I can hear Rex . " It shows her phone is inside so she has to be here . " my phone starts to ring on the couch . Dammit.  I know Roberto heard it to . He knocks again . I crack the door to see him standing there . He smiles " Hey babe . I thought you was coming over? It's 10:45 . I was getting worried and then when I called and got no answer I really got worried.  You ok ? " he asks me. " No I'm afraid I'm sick.  I just forgot to text you that I wouldn't be over tonight .  " I lie to him.  "Let me in I'll help you get better. " He says wriggling his eyebrows at me ." No thanks I'll be fine tomorrow I think it may be just a 24 hour bug " I lie again . 

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