Chapter 18

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Roberto and I have been out every night for the last four months every sense the ball or meeting whatever you want to call it . He told me about three weeks ago that he was a Mafia boss and although I knew this I couldn't tell him without revealing my truth . He left about a week ago to Italy something about a meeting over there . He asked me to go with him but I told him I couldn't I had stuff to do with the Gym . I offically took over the gyms about a month in a half ago and to say Joey left it a mess is an understatement .   

 I have been so busy with it that I barely have time to shower sometimes . I have woke up many nights being lifted in Roberto's arms he brings me home . Some nights he stays with me others I wake up at his place . He has a whole closet of clothes at his place that he brought for me . Rex told me a few weeks ago that I am the first woman Roberto has ever went out of his way for . That made me feel ten feet tall . That day I went into his office and surprised him . I can remember that day like it was yesterday . They was just finishing a meeting as all the men filed out of the room I walked in with my head held high .

 I walked around his desk and stood in front of him . I reached down and kissed him . "Do you know how much I adore you ?" I asked him . He pulled me on his lap . " No do tell me ! " He said trying to pry the information out of me like he does everyday . I have to tell him how much I like him I have had to do this every sense I told him I liked him . I hate it in a way I know it makes his head swell each time I tell him . And a man like Roberto could use a ego shrinker not a booster . But I seem to boost it everyday unknowingly . 

 " A lot . " I tell him as I kiss him again . " Can I try something ?" I ask him . His eyebrows shoot up in wonderment.  " Anything you want just ask and I'll make it happen " he says . With that I take every ounce of courage I have and push his chair back away from the desk.  " I've never done this before . " I tell him as I kiss him from his mouth down his neck.  I undo his tie a little and the top button like I have seen him do a thousand times when he is stressed . I push myself up off his lap and kneel at his feet . " Every true man needs a true woman to kneel at his feet . " I tell him as I reach for his belt and undo it along with his zipper . Roberto grabs my hand before I can pull his pants down .

"What are you doing Lucy? " he asks me confused . "Well obviously if I have to spell it out for you I'm not doing to good of a job at seducing you .  " I tell him clearly annoyed . "I know what your doing but are you sure this is what you want ? " he asks me " It's only a blow job Roberto . It's not like I'm offering my body just yet . If you would rather I not that's fine ." I tell him letting the rejection lace my tone .

"No trust me I want everything you are willing to do . It's just I don't want you to feel like you have to do this for me . " He says kissing my forehead . " I dont feel like I have to do this . This is something I want to do . " I tell him scooting under his desk I pull his chair with me as I scoot under.  This way if anyone comes in they won't have a clue as to what I am doing . Not that I care . Clearly if I am willing to suck his d*ck  in his office I could care less if anyone walks in .

" Now don't stop me even if someone comes in I'm pretty well hidden so no-one will suspect anything.  " I tell him as I pull his pants down just enough for his c*ck to spring free . What a glorious sight it is . It's so huge I'm chocking on it without sucking it . Maybe I stepped a little to far . I take a breath and remember what my friend from college use to say ' when it's so big just breathe through your nose ' that's exactly what I will do . I also have heard guys like when we choke on it it lubes them up so they slide down our throats better .

I take his c*ck in my hands "ready ? " I ask him looking up at him through hooded lust filled eyes . He nods his head and that's all the permission I need . I gentle tease the tipof his c*ck with the tip of my tongue will I pump my hand up and down his shaft . I take my que from him what ever he hisses groans or moans  to I take it as he likes . I slowly take him incase him in my mouth swallowing the whole thing.  To my surprise I don't gag who knew I never had any gag relaxes .  Score one  for the virgin. 
Roberto wraps his hand in my hair " shit Lucy yes just like that . " He says helping push my head down as he thrustshis hips upwards.  Just as we start getting a rhythm there is a knock at the door and the door opens " boss Gwyn is here to see you . I told her you had a girl now but you know whores they always come back begging.  What would you like for me to do? " Rex asks stepping in the room . Roberto waves him out "close the door for a minute I'll let you know In just a second. " Roberto says to him and Rex follows his command .  When the door closes Roberto looks down at me . " Would you like to continue this even if an ex whore of mine walks in the room ? " he asks me . I pull back making his c*ck slip past my lips which makes a plopping sound . " As long as you put her in her place and she doesn't touch you I'm ok with continuing this whether she is here or not . Just as long as you don't think of me like a whore . " I tell him before taking him back in my mouth  .

"  This is why I like you so much . Never afraid to make a statement.  " Roberto says before he shouts " let her in Rex . "  No sooner does he get the words out of his mouth and in barges  the loudest woman I think I've ever heard .  " Told you he would want to see me Sexy. Now be a good lap dog and leave us be ." She says . I roll my eyes . This woman has to belong to a family no-one else speaks to these men like that and gets away with it unless they are connected somehow . I hear the door close just as Roberto wraps his hand back around my hair . "What do you want Gwyn I'm kind of in the middle of something .  " Roberto speaks to her with a voice that commands everyone's attention . Even mine which prompts me to stop sucking.  Until he locks eyes with me and shoves my head down .

"I seen you at the ball with some floozie on your arm . If you want to slum it I know a couple of girls who would have been better looking than the trash you showed up with ." She says right then I want to push Roberto away and beat the shit out of this bimbo how dare she talk about me like that .  Roberto wraps his hand around my hair tighter showing his strength.  I guess this is his way of saying let me handle this . " Yes I was there with a woman who just so happens to be my girlfriend.  I know shocker since I have never had a steady woman before . Always just whores in and out of my life . Never strong enough to handle all this life requires.  " Roberto tells her and sucks in a breathe as I rake my teeth across the entire length of his shaft .

His ex whore doesn't miss it either " are you ok Roberto do you need me to help you ease your stress . " she asks him and I do it again gauging his reaction I lock eyes with him and this time he has to look away but I keep my eyes trained on his face . I watch every tick he makes . I can tell he's getting closer to his climax by the way she end of his shaft swells by his pelvis.  "No I'm good on that part . " Roberto says right before he empties everything he's got down my throat . I suck him completely dry . I push his chair back just in time to see shoes standing next to his desk.  I look up and see the prettiest woman I have ever seen before .

She stands there with a stunned expression on her face . I tuck Roberto back in his pants and zip him up and redo his belt . I stand from my kneeling position and reach forward and close this girls mouth " may want to pick your jaw up off my boyfriend's floor someone might step in it.  " I tell her as she snatches her face from my hands like I've just burned her . " Who the hell are you ? " She asks me . I sit on Roberto's lap and wipe the corners of my mouth and then kiss Roberto with  everything I have in me .

He wants to give her a show well give her a show . B*tch needs to know her place . I pull back wink at Roberto and look back at her . " I think the most important question here is who are you ? And what are you doing in my boyfriend's house ? I do recall you have to have an invitation to be here . I don't see yours anywhere.  " I say to her and then turn to Roberto " unless you've extended an invitation to her which I must ask that you revoke immediately.  " I tell him running my hands through his hair .

" He can't revoke his invitation or my dad will find out how I have been fucking his enemy . And trust me you don't want that to happen seeing as it will cause all sorts of hell to rain on this pathetic mafia boss . " she threatens Roberto.  I stand and get nose to nose with this bi*ch . " oh yeah go ahead.  I'd like to see you try .  " I tell her . I see Roberto press a button out of the corner of my eye  seconds later Rex and two others come into the room . " Escort Lucy to my room . While I tend to this . " He says pointing at Gwyn who smirks . Roberto turns me to him " I'll be with you in a moment.  I just have to take care of the trash before I can come take care of my treasure . " He says kissing me hard .

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