Chapter 25

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I wake up about six the next morning to a text from Victor letting me know that everyone had made their decision and that they was all still at the meeting location . He asked me to meet them their so I can meet with everyone and hear their decisions . I get up and get dressed and head toward the Doc . I have to get through this and then finish moving the rest of my stuff . I bought a house yesterday with the money I had made from the Mafia over the years .

I make it to the Doc by 7:15 am . I text Victor to let him know I am here. I get out of my car and make my way to the gate where I know Vinny will be here in just a few as soon as he gets the message . Before he makes it to the gate to let me in I see Rex make his way over to me . I turn my attention back to the gate and wait patiently for Vinny to come get me .

i feel a tug on my shoulder and then I am being spun around to face Rex and a few other of Roberto's men .

You was here last night and then back here this morning . I don't get how you can get in to the big boy's meeting and yet none of us can get in . You know no other wife or girlfriend is allowed in there . What makes you so special ?" He asks me squeezing my shoulder . I put my hand over his hand " If you value your life you will remove your hand right now . The last one of you to touch me I seem to remember I broke his wrist ." I tell him .

He releases me only to land a slap to my face . I touch my jaw and slowly turn back to face him . He has his finger in my face when I stand back completely up to face him . " I don't care if you and Roberto was together . No slut talks to me like that ." He says spitting in my face . It's one thing to slap me its another entirely to spit in my face . I laugh as I wipe my face with my other hand . " You have no idea what you just did . You want entrance into the big boys meeting . You just earned your ticket ." I tell him just as Vinny taps my shoulder .

"Vinny I have a plus one coming with me . Here is my phones . Don't forget to check him . " I tell Vinny walking past him to the conference room where I know all the guys are still in conversation . Vinny and Rex are hot on my heels . I knock on the door and here Victor holler for us to enter . I see the look of surprise on everyone's face as I step inside . I look directly to Roberto who is looking at me confused especially when a few seconds later his second in command steps behind me .

Since it seems I have to show you men your place since it seems I am just a slut in a big boys world . I guess before we get down to business on who I know is still with me or not . Roberto stand for me . " I say turning to look at Rex as I watch Roberto stand form his seat . I extend my hand to Rex " Rex why don't you step forward . " I say taking his hand in mine . I let go when he stands just a few feet in front of me .

" Apparently since I am nothing but a girlfriend and I don't know my place allow me to show you what f*cking with me looks like . " I say addressing the group .Victor steps to my right since Rex is to my left . " You sure about this I see that look in your eyes ." Victor says touching my shoulder . " I have never been more sure in all my life ." I say stepping forward and walking to the table I use my hips to move the chairs of two of the bosses chairs to the side . I take a seat on the table .

I turn my head to look at Roberto " Roberto why don't you step around here next to Rex for just a minute . " I ask him and being I am one Ghost and two am now classified as the Queen of the Mafia he has no choice especially in this room but to do as I ask .

He steps around the table . I reach into the back of my pants and grab my gun . I pull it from my waist band and place it on my lap . I cock my head to the side ." Boss what the Hell is going on ?" Rex asks before I can finish . " Yes Roberto why don't you inform your man on who he just assaulted and spit on ." I say the masochist in me is enjoying this way to much . I watch Rex squirm being in this room with all these big men . P*ssy I think to myself .

Roberto turns to Rex " You did what ?" He shouts I see his fist ball up but before he can

Roberto turns to Rex " You did what ?" He shouts I see his fist ball up but before he can

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land a punch I halt him " uh uh uh not so fast . Tell him who I am ." I tell Roberto . Rex looks at me I now have his full attention . " The woman I have been dating for the last few months . Everyone knows her as Lucy , but to the underworld to you and I Lucy is known as Ghost . She is also the Queen of the whole F*cking Mafia . I hope you are pleased with yourself ." Roberto says . I See Rex's eyes widen . I turn my head to Roberto's " You may sit now ." I tell him . He bows his head and takes his seat .

" Now that you Know what I am doing here . Anything to say for yourself ?" I ask Rex as I hop down off the table and make my way over to him . He tilts his chin up in defiance . That's okay because what he doesn't know is that I like it when they fight back . It gives me a true thrill . " Nothing ?" I ask one last time giving him a minute to think . When he doesn't say anything I punch him in the gut . Knocking the breath out of him and dropping him to his knees . As he lands on his knees I spin and land a swift kick to his face . Blood flies from his nose and he spits it from his mouth . I grab a calling card out of the back pocket of my pants . I grab Rex's hair and hold his head up .

I turn to address the room . I have everyone's attention . " Good to see you all are watching .Roberto if I was you I would get a leash on your men . I am not in the mood to fight with anyone . I came here to get everyone's answer . I will get to that in a minute . Let what I am about to do to Rex be a warning to everyone here today . You can slap me around all you want . We can fist fight all day long , but do not ever and I mean EVER spit in my God D*amn face . " I say as I bring the gun barrel up to Rex's temple .

I see Victor out of the corner of my eyes . " I am one crazy ass f*cking b*tch . I don't give a da*n who I pi*ss off I am not here to become friends with any of you . I am here to work for you all just like I have in the past . Now I want you all to call your men and let them know who I am . Let them know exactly what I am capable of . " I tell them all . I see Vinny handing out everyone's phones . " I want them back as soon as the call's are made ." Vinny says and within two minutes he had everyone's phones back in his hands . He turns but before he leaves he leans closer " Told you that you control this room . You keep on being bada*s " Vinny says with a wink before he leaves the room .

I turn around to look at Roberto " Any last words you want to say to your second ? I will give you this opportunity to say a goodbye seeing as I didn't last time ." I tell him . He looks between me and Rex . I pull the trigger . It's lights out for Rex . I shrug my shoulders " Oops sorry you flinched . Never flinch when I give you the chance . " I tell him Roberto's eyes are burning . I have seen that look when we almost went all the way one night . If I didn't know any better I would say Roberto is turned on right now . " Now that we got that out of the way and now that you all know exactly what I am about and that I don't play . Shall we get down to business . " I say wiping Rex's blood off my arm and off my gun . I walk around to the head of the table where Victor is sitting . " Who is going to turn in their card's to me and allow me to continue to be Ghost ?" I ask the room .

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