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"Hello Sirius"

"So, what are you doing?"

"I'm studying with Regulus, don't you have eyes?" he seemed taken aback by her response and finally acknowledged his brother. Regulus stared at him with wide eyes and his mouth opened and closed as he fought to find the right words to say.

"Right. Hello brother" Sirius nodded at the grey eyed boy.

"Sirius" he mentally scolded himself for seeming so cold and thinning any chance of conversation with his older brother.

"I wanted to talk to you"

"Isn't that what we're doing?" Noelle's eyes hadn't left the parchment as she furiously wrote her assignment for Potions.

"Uh yes, but I wanted to ask you something" she couldn't see him so she missed the nervous fiddling of his hands. Regulus however, noticed and gave him a weird look.

"Go ahead"

"Can you please look at me?" he whined childishly before snatching the parchment from her hands.

Noelle glared at him before taking it back "Don't ever do that" and continued to murder the parchment.

"She's very serious about homework" Regulus commented before being pinched by Noelle as he let out a yelp.

"Give me a minute and I'll give you my oh so clamored attention" she mumbled.

It was Thursday and they had finished all of their classes. Noelle and Regulus were at the library, as it was usual for them to do on Tuesdays and Thursdays, it was their thing. Sirius had been looking for her for the last twenty minutes and had asked around if anyone had seen her. It was a younger boy from Slytherin who told him that they were always at the library on those days.

After his surprise birthday party at the Gryffindor common room there seemed to be some sort of understanding between the two. They weren't as hostile as before, but they obviously teased each other nonstop. The understanding between the two caused the huge group of six years to be seen hanging out by the lake a lot of the time. Other times they would help each other out when doing school work.

"Okay done" Noelle put her quill down before stretching her legs and arms. "Are there any left Reg?" she looked over at the boy who was doing his Transfiguration homework in which she had helped him.

"Just one" he gave her the last sugar quill from the now empty bag sat at the table.

"Damn it. I need to restock" she said before sucking on the quill. This action made Sirius stare in amazement. He could feel himself get excited because of the thoughts coming to his mind like a tidal wave. He whimpered lowly when she nibbled the top of the quill and he had to cross his legs and put his hands on top of the ever increasing bulge in his pants. Regulus was oblivious to his brothers discomfort, but Noelle had noticed and smirked, her eyes glinting with mischief. "So, you wanted to ask me something?" she took the quill out of her mouth slowly.

Sirius, who still stared in a daze, blinked twice "Huh?"

"You. Ask. Me"

"Oh! Right!" his voice had raised an octave warning him looks from the other students in the library. He cleared his throat and spoke "Well, you know my cousin Narcissa?"

"Oh yeah we're friends. She's real nice and sweet. Not like that oaf Bellatrix" she rolled her eyes before sucking angrily on her sugar quill. Yet again, Sirius bit his lip and closed his eyes, trying to rid himself of the images coming to his mind. Regulus on the other hand, looked around to see if there were any fellow Slytherins around, scared for his friend if word got out. When the coast was clear he gave her a look "Reggie you know I'm right! She's an ugly and rude bitch. With no ounce of emotion on her soulless body"

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