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It was far too early to already be inside a compartment at the Hogwarts Express, but considering Noelle had no one bidding her goodbye and telling her to stay out of trouble, she found herself sitting with her back against the window, her long legs stretched out infront of her and a book in her hands as she read. She was glad to be going away from what she called her personal hell, although others called it an orphanage. She didn't exactly know what to expect of Hogwarts, however she did know that she would make the most out of it.

She kept thinking about the endless possibilities of what she might encounter, she thought and questioned these things for so long she barely noticed when the train finally pulled out of Kings Cross Station. Noelle kept reading her book absentmindedly until the compartment door was opened. Looking up she was met by a pair of warm green eyes staring at her.

"Hi, do you mind if we sit here?" only then did she realize the girl with the pretty red hair was not alone and was accompanied by a boy with shoulder length black hair, looking a bit too greasy and unkept for her liking.

"Not really" she said and returned back to her book as it was quite interesting. Noelle had read all of her school books during what was left of summer until the awaited September first. Currently she read one that was lent from Professor McGonagall.

"What are you reading?" asked the voice of the only other girl in the compartment besides herself. The boy didn't seem to like his friends idea of making conversation with another person apart from him and grumbled underneath his breath.

"Oh just a Transfiguration book, it was lent to me from Professor McGonagall" she spoke as she looked up from the book cover to see the girl with the red hair staring back excitedly.

"You know the Professor?"

"Kind of" she didn't want to say much because she did not know this girl very well and it was better to be weary around new people.

"That's really cool. I'm Lily by the way, Lily Evans" she outstretched her hand and Noelle took it shaking it lightly.

"Noelle Moon" she had a small smile on her lips as she replied to Lily, who so far seemed to be rather nice.

"This is my friend, Severus Snape" he nodded towards Noelle so she smiled awkwardly at him before returning to her book and them to their own conversation.

It was not long before Noelle was interrupted from her reading by the compartment door opening once more. She looked up to be met by two boys, instantly she ignored them because they seemed rather loud. Noelle was proven right when they laughed loudly before looking at the people in the compartment. One of them asked something but she was too busy reading to care. She only lifted her gaze when one of the boys grabbed her legs, lifting them, before sitting down and placing them in his lap. Noelle was surprised and decided to hide the small smile that was creeping on her lips. The other boy who she hadn't bothered to look at, sat infront of him.

"Hi, I'm James, James Potter" he said before rather rudely shoving his hand infront of Noelle's face. The boy had really messy hair and thick rimmed glasses that sat at the end of his nose making her want to push them backwards.

She shook his hand lightly and said "Noelle Moon" with the intention to return back to her reading before he, once again, spoke.

"This is my mate, Sirius Black" she then looked at the boy with rather pretty eyes and well kept hair unlike Severus as she recalled. She gave a tight lipped smile and returned to her reading forgetting to introduce her other two previous companions. "And you are?"

She zoned out of the conversation and only looked up when an angry Lily left the compartment with Severus trailing behind her. Frowning she looked at the two boys who didn't really care about what just happened so she decided to keep reading until a hand grasped her book pulling it away from her. Her eyes widened ready to curse the person when she was met with grey eyes.

She rolled her eyes irritatedly before groaning "What do you want?"

"We asked you what house do you want to be in"

"I don't really care about which house I'm in, now give me my book" she was growing quite impatient as he still held the book she oh so badly wanted to finish.

"Not even Slytherin?" James gaped at her and she rolled her eyes.

"The house doesn't define a person. Just because you're a Slytherin doesn't mean you're evil, or if you're in Hufflepuff you'll be good at Herbology. It's stupid to think that because of a house you can't or will be, good or bad or whatever" she snatched the book out of Sirius' grasp before returning to her reading. Noelle didn't know that she was right and that for the rest of her years at Hogwarts, those words would define who she was.

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