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It was well into June when Noelle's world came crashing down on her.

She had been walking home after a tiring day at the Ministry. As time passed more and more people disappeared and it was only until recently that they made public what everyone already knew but feared admit. There was a monster out there threatening the lives of fellow wizards, witches and muggles alike. As soon as it was announced the disappearances went up a notch and the Minister of Magic was relieved from the charge and someone else had taken up the job. This meant people were more weary around each other and didn't speak as they used to, which in turn made Noelle's job that much harder. What is there to spy and overhear if no one shares anything or are constantly watching their backs? Still Dumbledore was relentless and expected much more of her. Not only did he want her to keep going on raids but to keep up a front in the program, but how could she hide her face on raids while protecting herself and others against half a dozen death eaters trying to kill you? It was impossible, even death eaters masks fell after being hit by a nasty Stupefy.

Noelle knew the reason why Dumbledore was the way he was, but not even James yelling at him that she almost got hit by a killing curse whilst leaving the Ministry stopped the man from expecting more of her. Everyone knew that in some way the man didn't trust her, but no one dared speak a word because he was in charge of the Order and they needed him now more than ever. 

Looking back, Noelle wished she'd enjoyed more of Lily and James wedding.

After what happened with Sirius they were civil towards each other and the couple was glad that they didn't hate each other anymore. Noelle and Sirius knew it was time to move on and that's what they did. Sirius started going on dates, but it was in vain as the relationships didn't bloom. He was still hung up on Noelle, but he knew that would never be so he continued on with the dates and after a while he gave up. He probably wouldn't ever find someone else and he was coming to terms with it.

On the other hand, Noelle's relationship with Tobias was sailing perfectly. The man was already head over heels for her and when he tried surprising her and she fired a spell his way, and he luckily managed to dive away from harms way, he didn't love her any less because she was a witch. Truth was he suspected something going on as he had seen her disappear out of thin air more than once, but he thought it was just his imagination. But when the time came for her best friends wedding she didn't know if she could invite the man. Lily had told her that it was more than okay to do so and he was her plus one, seeing as her parents had an invitation of their own.

Lily had been ecstatic the days building up to their wedding, however she became a wreck as soon as the first sun rays were up on her special day. 

"Could you girls give us a minute?" Noelle got up from where she sat behind Lily as she fixed her hair and flinched as she realized her leg cramped.

She waited for their friends to leave and spoke when the door closed behind them. "What is wrong Lily?"

"What do you mean? There's nothing wrong, why would there be something wrong? Everything is dandy, perfectly well, don't you see?" the red head had put her hair over her shoulder and ran her fingers through it, making the little flowers Noelle had placed on her fall to the floor without so much as recognition she had done so as she stared blankly at the mirror in front of her.

"Lily, darling, you just ruined your hair"

"What?" the girl snapped out of her daze and looked to the floor, being met with the little daisies Noelle had so caringly put on her "Oh no, I'm so sorry Elle-" and she started crying into her hands.

"Lily, love don't cry" Noelle grabbed the chair that was once behind her friend and put it next to her so she could see her as they talked "Tell me, is everything alright?"

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