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Awhile after Sebastian left Noelle decided she would take a walk around the castle. She needed to have some time alone to figure out what she would do once she confronted Sirius. She knew she loved him, but sometimes loving someone wasn't enough and she didn't want to be in a relationship that would hurt her so much that she no longer recognized herself. Noelle could see that, what Sirius and her had, was toxic. She constantly depended on him to be okay, he never wanted to apologize for his wrongdoings, she had to constantly tell him when he was in the wrong, he would say things before thinking them through, she needed reassurance, he would drag anyone into their problems when it was between the two of them, she constantly brought the topic of his family, and so on. 

Sirius had had a difficult time growing up, Noelle knew that. But even so, he couldn't keep falling back on that every single time something bad happened to them. Sometimes you had to suck it up and accept that you were wrong. Noelle too had a rough time as she grew, but she didn't blame her problems on that fact.

A few hours later, as she walked close to the Astronomy Tower, Noelle encountered Professor Sinistra. They shared pleasantries until Sinistra told Noelle that she was doing great in her class thanks to her tutoring with Sirius. If Noelle was beaming now she was glowing when Sinistra told her that her last essay was her favorite and she had gotten an Outstanding for it.

This was how Regulus found Noelle. She had been running with her parchment in hand to show it to Sirius. Noelle had already ran through the first two floors of the castle and somehow she forgot that the most obvious place for him to be was in his common room. His heart felt when he saw her glowing like that because of the praise she had gotten from her professor, and he knew that she would ruin her day if not her life when he told her of what happened a few nights ago.

"Ellie I need to tell you something-"

"It's okay! I just need to show this to Sirius and then I'll meet up with you in the common room, yeah? I'll be back in a jiffy!" 

And before he could say another word, she was off.

If she was to see Sirius there wasn't a doubt in his mind that his brother would tell him himself of the happenings so many nights ago.

Noelle rushed through the halls wanting to see Sirius as soon as possible and tell him the great news. She was so happy that she was doing well in Astronomy when that was possibly her worst class, and she was doing great all because of him! If the  Ministry didn't consider him as an Auror he might as well try as professor. Her mouth watered a little at the thought, but she shook her head and carried on, only stopping when she was in front of the Fat Lady. Panting, she said the password and let herself inside the Gryffindor common room.

Looking up she saw The Marauders sitting in the sofa's, but Sirius was missing.

"Ellie! To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing your beautiful face?" James said as he strode towards her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. If she didn't know that he was with Lily she would've mistaken that for flirting. Fortunately she knew James Potter.

"I'm here to see Sirius! I bumped into Professor Sinistra and she told me that I was doing great thanks to my tutoring sessions with Sirius! In fact, she gave me my last essay and told me it was her favorite."

Two things happened at once.

"Tutoring? You- you've been tutoring with Sirius?"

"Her favorite? I thought I did pretty damn well on that last assignment."

Noelle ignored the childish pouting of one jealous Remus Lupin and turned to James, raising an eyebrow at him. "Yes I have. Why do you sound so unbelieving?" 

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