10 • t h e r u m o r s

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"So YouTube sensation y/n y/ln is taking the world by storm with nearly 100 million views on her fame gain YouTube video, and yesterday she and Ryan Doling upload a q&a video to Dolings channel and things got a little personal"

•• "Ok my turn, @y/nislife asks, "Are you guys dating or do you just get along that well, I saw ur Instagram live and you both look REALLY into each other if you know what I mean... 😏 #askY/sn"

"Eww" I quickly respond. "Never"

"Wow thanks y/n, I know I'm hideous and gross and shit but damn" Ryan's say and we both burst into laughter ••

"However y/n quickly cleared up those rumors stating that the two are just friends"

"But that's not what everyone's buzzing about today No! During the video, a fan asked a kiss, marry, or date question"

"Y/n answered that she would date Harry Styles, kiss Nick Jonas and marr- No! She was then quickly cut off by Doling stopping her from saying that she would MARRY LAUREN JAUREGUI!"

"Now this may not seem like much news to some of you but, fifth harmony fans are buzzing!"

"Pictures of the two at a small cafe in Texas were taken and now it seems that these two are the next IT couple"

"Neither party has yet to respond to these pictures but you have to admit, they look super cute together"

"I'm Cooper Daniels, and this has been Header News"

Lauren's POV

"Hey, have you seen this?"

"What? Oh the videos about me and y/n, yeah they're insane" I reply

"When tf did you pat her?"

"I spilled coffee on her at that cafe and I guess someone took a picture... it looks worst than it is"

"It looks like you were touching her boo-"

"Yeah well I wasn't!" I yell, "besides, when I met her, she didn't even know my name"

"Oh shit my best friend is dating a celebrity!" Will cheers

"Shut up Will, we're not dating and I'm not gay" I say

"You can like em both ways" Will says raising his eyebrows

"Nah I'm good" I say

"I think your fans would say other wise" Will says as he shows me the number 6 worldwide trend on Twitter

"Oh My God Will! I don't even know this girl, I practically made a fool of myself in front of her and now this!"

"It's the price of fame babe, the price of fame"

Well, this is gonna be fun explaining to Chris...

Chris - Hey so... did you wanna expla-

Y/n - Im not gay Chris...

Chris - No okay that's fine it's just, when did this-

Y/n - At the cafe in Austin, when I went to meet that dude, Rick...

Chris - Well, this is your first "drama" experience then, how do you feel?

Y/n - I don't know...

Chris - Don't be upset, almost every star gets accused of not being straight in this society, it'll pass

Y/n - I'm not upset

Chris - Okay... sure. Hey I'll talk to you later, I may have some exciting news for you soon

Y/n - Okay, bye

Okay maybe I was a little upset. It has nothing to do with the gay thing though... right?
I just don't like people labeling me, that's all.

I've had this fame thing for maybe five minutes and  I already feel constricted...

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