17 • o u r f a m i l y

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It was now January and we were back on the road with only a few shows left. Tour was over in February and we were all a little sad to let it go.

"Hey guys, I know I'm not the easiest to live with being that I fart a lot and I eat almost anything that looks edible but, I love you guys and thank you for making this the most memorable time in my life" Ryan says

"Aww ry, we love you too, and I don't even care that you're an absolute mess, I'm gonna miss seeing you every waking moment" Ruth says

"You guys are soft" Jai says while wiping his eyes. "I hate all of you" He say smiling

"Jai we love you too" I say as we all go in for a group hug

We were in London preforming our third to last show, February 4th was creeping up on us and we weren't ready for it

"Hey guys, how are my kiddos doing?" Mason asks us

"We're sad Mase" Ruth says

"Well they are, I'm completely fine" Jai says

We then all playfully hit Jai

"Guys don't be sad, tour was always meant to end but, after a short break from all the craziness, we will be right back in the studio making hits and preparing for the next completely SOLD OUT tour!"

We all laugh at Masons excitement. He loves hyping us up.

"And besides, I may or may not have gotten an interesting call this morning and you guys may or may not be interested in what it was about..."

"What are you on about Mason?" Jai asks

"Oh I don't know Jai but you guys may or may not be in for a interesting surprise once the show is over tonight..." Mason says

"Tonight! Aww Mason can't you just tell us the surprise right now, we're always super tired after a show" Ryan pleads

"Who said there was a surprise Ry? I haven't the slightest what you could be talking about..."

"Mason cut the shit and speak up. I don't have time for this" Ruth says

We all turn in shock. Ruth wasn't really fond of surprises especially when they would interfere with her sleep time.

"Damn Ruth Fine" Mason says "make me give up my surprise and such, making me feel all bad an-" Mason says under his breath before we interrupt him

"MASON!" We all say in unison

"OK OK, Fine!" He yells.

"Seventeen magazine is putting together a group of singers, musicians, actors, creators, entertainers and pretty much anyone in the spot light, to participate in a "Spring Break Getaway Marathon" type of thing where, you would all be put into teams with other entertainers, and you would compete in various games and challenges for charity, all while getting to travel all around the world!"

"You had me at travel" Jai says

"Wait, Wait, What the catch?" Ruth says

"What do you mean?" Mason says

"So what? Their just gonna pay for a whole bunch of celebrities to travel the world and play games... for charity" Ruth says

"Yeah... pretty much, but it would also be filmed and put onto seventeens YouTube channel"

"Oh ok so they would still be making money" Ruth says

"Yeah" Mason

"Fine Cool, I'm in" Ruth says

"Damn Ruth, always gotta be so detailed" Mason says

"I'm with mom!" Ryan says

"Yeah sounds cool" I say

"Ok, so you're all in cool. I'll let them know, and guys... you have two shows after this! Good luck!" Mason says as he leaves our tour bus

"Well hey, now we don't have to be away from each other!" Jai says

"I thought you hated us and we were all soft for loving each other" I say

"Y/n, I'll mis you the least" He says as he gives he a kiss on my cheek

"Eww, Ruth Jai kissed me" I say with a smirk

"Jai, don't put your lips places they don't belong" Ruth says while staring at her phone ignoring us
"Mom, your not even paying attention to us, mom, mom, mom" Jai says

"WHAT!" Ruth says

Jai then quickly kisses her and runs

"Jai Eww wtf!" Ruth says while throwing a pillow at him

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