80 • t h e w e d d i n g p t . 2

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***Our story was replaying in my head, all I could see was her and it was driving me crazy.


🕴🏾"However, this day is not about the words spoken or the rings exchanged, nor is it about grand pronouncements and recessional marches. This day, the day of Lauren and Tyrone's wedding, is about love."


"So... you love?" Lauren asks walking closer to y/n

Y/n turns back around facing Lauren succumbing to every emotion she was feeling

"Lauren....  I knew the second we left. I knew the second you walked out of my life. I think I've always known" Y/n says

"Known wh-" Lauren says

Y/n was so panicked she forgot to finish what she said earlier

"I hate myself for hurting you. I hate myself for being scared. You didn't deserve any of that and I wish I could fix it but I can't and that kills me" Y/n says cutting her off

"Ok but-"

"No! Now we're about to tour the world together and all I want to do is hold you again but I can't. All I want is for you not to hate me. I just miss you and I-" Y/n says before Lauren cuts her off

"Shut up!" Lauren says. "Just shut up" Lauren says not breaking her gaze into y/n's eyes


🕴🏾"One of my favorite authors once wrote, "If love is not all, then it is nothing: this principle, and its opposite, collide down all the years of my breathless tale." Lauren and Tyrone, your breathless tale is about to begin."


"Shit..." Y/n says. She was at a lost for words. He was kissing her... she was kissing him. They were together and happy.

"Y/n wait" Lauren says

Y/n started stepping backwards before she just turned around and walked away.

She didn't run, she was to in shock to run.

"Y/n please wait" Lauren says once again

"No just... don't follow me" Y/n says continuing to walk


🕴🏾"If love is not all, then it is nothing. Love isn't something you say, it's something you do."


"Long time no see" Y/n says smiling at Lauren

"Yeah it seems like forever since I last saw you" Lauren says

"How is-" Y/n starts to ask

"Y/n!" Ryan yells running up behind us

"Hey Ry" Y/n laughs

"Shawn hey" Ryan says greeting him

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