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Interview for Made in Magazine
June 2020,

"So, you had achieved your dreams and became famous but, you started to feel the downsides of fame"

Y/n - "Yeah, right away I was entered into a rumor, a rumor that would follow me for years"

"Yeah, I remember when the y/n and Lauren news first emerged, and as time went by and you two grew closer it only got worse"

Y/n - "Yeah it got more intense. The second me and Lauren became friends the 'shipping' had taken a whole new light."

Chris - Hey! You, me, and any friends you want, this weekend Austin, Tx, your preforming live!


Chris - He'll yeah I did! It's tomorrow, Friday night a few hours after your meeting with Rick.

Y/n - Alright cool, thanks Chris!

Chris - Ahh no problem kid

It was now the big day. It had been a couple of days and the Lauren and me stuff had died down a bit.

"Hey are you ready for this?" Ryan asks me

He and I had drove down to the cafe together to meet Rick and the other two members of our possible group

"I hope this goes well" I replied as we entered the cafe

"Were is Rick..."

"God not again" I say

"Hey! You're y/n, I'm Alicia, you're here to meet Rick too?"

"Hey, yeah so you're the other member?" I say

"Yeah, me and this 'guy' other there" Alicia says as we walk over to her table

Why did she say guy like that I question?

"Hey guys I'm Garrett!" The guy says

"Hey Garrett I'm Ryan"

"And I'm-"

"You're y/n y/ln, I know lol" Garrett says

We then sit down and talk for a bit, just trying to get to know each other a bit more.

"So Alicia, what made you want to join a group?" I ask

"Umm... well I really value power in numbers"

"Ok cool, what about you Garrett?"

"Well tbh, my solo career isn't going anywhere so... why tf not right!" He say and laughs

"... So... what kind of music do you guys like? Ryan asks

"I like everything really but right now, I'm really into hard metal" Garrett says

Garrett's the type of guy where you never really know if he's being serious or not...

"I like classic pop... it's my favorite" Alicia say

"Cool" me and Ryan say in unison

There is then an awkward silence that is soon broken by Alicia

"Ok im sorry but... I was told that this was going to be a GIRL group, you know, no GUYS, and I'm so very confused right now!" Alicia frantically says

"What?!?" I say

"Yeah... I was told this was going to be a Boy band and we were gonna do Christian rock..."

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