52 • t h e p i l l o w

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"Alright! I'm starting it up guys! We're ready to go!" The bus driver yelled

It was now Saturday night and to say the least, it was an interesting night.

"Fuck!" I hear Lauren scream

"What's happening?" Jai asks

"Their bus broke down" someone says

"Okay guys, so it seems like the girls are gonna have to share a bus with you guys until we're able to get another one. It's too late now to try and get one so, you two bands will travel to the venue and the staff will meet you there later" our tour manager said

"Sounds cool" Ryan says

"Yeah for you" I say rolling my eyes

"Dude get over it already, I'm sure she wasn't trying to start anything" he says

"Oh yeah so, she thought it would be perfectly fine and totally not shady to tweet some shit calling me baby and then delete it seconds later." I say. "Like nah no ones gonna think anything right" I sarcastically say

"I honestly think she was drunk or super tired or something, she loves you and wouldn't intentionally try to hurt you" Ruth says

"Oh really?" I say eyeing Ryan

"Let's not bring that up again please" He says

"Ok bad example but, I still think you should forgive her already" Ruth says

"I do forgive her... kinda" I say

"Guys it's fine, I'm sure by tonight those two will be sharing a bunk or something" Jai says

"I'm not sharing anything" I say

"We'll see" Jai says

"Yeah you will" I say

"Hey, So sorry guys, I know how much of a distraction we are to your wellbeing and some other bullshit so we'll keep our distance" Lauren walks up to us and says

"Hmm" I fake smile

"... ok so shall we board or?" Dinah says

"Yeah let's go" Jai says

We then all board the bus and the girls pick out their bunks.


"Yo! That's crazy" Dinah says

"Why didn't you just leave?" Normani asks

"I'm no quitter" Ryan laughs

We had all gravitated to the couch and while we waited for the bus to take off, we talked. It was kind of awkward though, every now and then I would look up and see Lauren scorning at me and I obviously I couldn't let her win so when she would look at me I would scorn back.

It turned into a tiring game of who can get the last scorn and after a while I couldn't help but laugh at our stupidity.

"Wtf is wrong with her" Dinah says

"Her? What about her?" Jai asks pointing to Lauren

We had both bursted our laugh in the middle of their conversation and everyone else was very confused.

"So I take it they're not fighting anymore" Ruth says

"Seems so" Normani says

"I wonder wtf happened" Ryan says

"They probably promised to give each other a nice-"

"JAI!" Ally yells

"Hug... I was gonna say hug" Jai says

"Not me" Dinah says

"We can here you you know" Lauren says

"Everyone besides y/n and Lauren, if you would please now check your phones for no specific reason at all" Dinah says

"Smooth" I say. "I'll be right back"


"Hey Chris, is there any way I could get another pillow, I don't sleep well with only one" I ask

"Yeah kid, I'll tell Danny, he's about to go on a grocery run before we leave" he says

Danny was our bus assistant. He pretty much bought us whatever we needed when we stopped near stores


Lauren's POV

"Hey max, could you tell Danny to get me another pillow when he runs to the store, I don't sleep well with only one" I say to Max one of the producers 

"Yeah sure of course!" Her says


Chris's POV

"Danny I need you to put an extra pillow on your shopping list, one of the girls can't sleep well with one"

"Yeah of course!" Danny says



"Hey Danny! I need you to buy an extra pillow, one of the girls can't sleep well without two"

"Yeah yeah I got it" Danny says

"Alright thanks man"


The day had been going pretty well, Lauren and I were finally getting along again and we were all having fun together.

"Danny's back!" Chris yells

"Alright Guys I'm tired, I think it's bed time" Ally says

"Yeah same, I call first in the shower!" Ruth yells

"Damn it" Jai says

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