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"Hi bitch"

And just like that two ghosts from my past that I never thought I would encounter again appeared before my eyes

"So y/n this is Briana and William from, Briwi the fashion company- Wait you know each other" Chris says

"Yeah. I know" I say as I clench my teeth

I hadn't seen these two in years. My old best friends, the two that literally stomped on our friendship. Now these assholes are back?

"Uh... you've heard of the brand?" Chris asks

"Yeah, you can say that" I say with a fake smile

"Hey y/n..." Will says seeming somewhat sincere

"We've missed you" Bri says smirking

"Hmm I bet you have" I say just looking at them

"Ok well... they are looking for a new cover girl for there new line" he says

"Yeah and we think you will be the perfect cover girl" Briana says

"Ahh..." I say

"Yeah so what do you think?" Chris asks

"Yeah totally I would but, I'm sorry I just don't model trash." I say straight faced. "Thanks though" I smile as I walk away

"Ugh.... one sec I'm so sorry for her" Chris says before running after me

"Y/N wtf!" He says

"What?" I say

"You don't model trash?! Wtf was that?" He says

"Chris I'm not modeling for that brand, there's no way in hell" I say

"And why not!!" He says

"Because those very people happen to be the ones who backstabbed me and treated me like shit after years of friendship!" I say

"What are you talking about?!" He says

"I used to be best friends with those pieces of shit" I say

"Used to?" He asks

"Yeah, it was before I met you" I say

"Oh" he says

"Yep" I respond

"So Guys!" Briana says waking over to us. "What's it gonna be?" She smiles

"... Choke on a dick Bri" I say as I once again walk away from her

"Y/n can we talk" Will says

"Ha your real funny" I say continuing to walk away

"Y/n it happened years ago!" Will yells

I stop in my tracks debating whether I should turn around and listen to anything he has to say.

"It was years ago dude we were just kids and, I'm sorry-"

"We're sorry." Briana steps in

"... Do you guys really expect me to buy this?" I say. "Trusting you two was one of my biggest mistakes"

"Y/nn try and understand where I'm coming from" he says

"What is it with everyone always telling me to understand where they're coming from! What about me! Why doesn't anyone ever try and understand where I am coming from?" I yell

"Uh... I don't-" Will starts

"I go through shit too you know, I have feelings as well!" I say

"Ok, why don't we take a breath and-" Chris starts

"I'm fine Chris, and Briwill or whatever the fuck it is-" I say

"It's Briwi-" Bri says

"I don't give a fuck" I say. "You two aren't about to use me after what we went through. If you were really sorry, you would've reached out personally not for publicity" I say

"Y/n I wanted to but-" Will starts

"Save it." I say finally walking away from them

It felt good to say that to them, I know some of what I yelled at them was some bottled up anger for a couple of other people but, it needed to be said.


"Ok so I guess that's a no on the Briwi cover opportunity" Chris says

"Hard pass" I say

"Ok well then, I say we head to the studio. I think you have a lot of emotions that you need to let out and music is the best outlet that I know of" he says

"Chris, that's the most sane thing I've ever heard you say" I laugh

"Thanks, I think" he laughs


Interview for Made in Magazine
June 2021,

"Old friends return"

Y/N- Ex friends return.

"Still a sore subject?"

Y/N- I'm over it I forgive them I guess. I wish them well and all but, I won't accept fake apologies.

"Nicely said, so, your relationship with Lauren and Ryan, was that okay?"

Y/N- Yeah, obviously I had my own feelings that I had to work through with them being together but, they wanted to be with each other and I didn't want them to not see if things could work out because it would hurt me. That's not fair to ask.

"So what happens next? What was your next move as y/n y/ln?"

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