54 • t h e y w e r e g o n e f o r h o u r s

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"Wake up bishes! We have fifthteen minutes before rehearsals for tonight's show" Dinah yells

"Damnit Dinah" I whisper

"Hey" Lauren says looking into my eyes and smiling

"Hey" I smile back

"-Hey! Get up guys, and NO fighting today!" Dinah yells as she opens the curtain to our bunk


"Alright guys we need to get this right, the shows in two hours and you guys still need to do hair and makeup!" Our choreographer yells

We had this big group number to perfect and it just wasn't coming together

"What if we put y/n back over there next to Lauren?" The assistant choreographer says

"Do you remember what happened last time we put y/n and Lauren next to each other..."


"Lauren wtf! You just stepped on me!" I yell

"Sorry" She says while rolling her eyes

"Really!" I yell

"What?" She says sarcastically

"Fuck you." I say

"Nah I'll pass, thanks for the offer though" she says while smirking

"No one likes a smart ass" I say facing the choreographer and jumping back into the dance routine

"You did a few months ago" she whispers

And with that comment I turned to her and placed my leg in front of hers causing her to trip

"Wtf!" She yells

"Oops" I say sarcastically while I put my hand over my lips. "Sorry"

"Oh you wanna play that game?" Lauren says

"Bring it bitch" I say back

"Ladies please stop!" Our choreographer yells

***end of flashback

"That was months ago, I think they're friends again.." the assistant says

"Hmm, girls, can you do that? Can you do that without killing each other?" He says

"Yeah probably" I say

"We'll see what happens" Lauren adds

"God help me" He says


After rehearsal we went straight to hair and makeup and afterwards we had a few minutes of downtime.

"So, should we talk about it?" Lauren asks me

"Yeah" I say

I was more ready than ever to tell her how I really felt, I wanted to be with her and nothing was going to change that.

"So I think we can both agree that last night was a mistake" she says breaking my heart

"...Totally" I say

I was to late, she was over me.

"We had a slip up but, I think that's something we can probably stop, don't you?" she says

"Yeah" I say

"I don't wanna be mad at you for anything anymore, and I don't wanna fight" She says

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