46 • s u p e r s a p p y

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"Hey Guys let's play a game!" Ryan yells

"What game are you trying to play ry" Dinah asks

"Idk... two truths one lie?" He says

"How about truth or dare" Lauren says

"Cool Ryan your first" Ruth says. "Truth or dare?" She asks

"Dare" he confidently says

"Hmm... tweet out that your currently taking a huge poop and that you just wanted everyone to know about it" Ruth says

"Wow! Ok." He says as he takes his phone out and types the tweet

"Dinah. Truth or dare?" Ryan asks Dinah

"I'm feeling daring" she says

"I dare you to, touch the fire" Ryan says

"Wtf Ry. Whatever" she says as she effortlessly and seemingly painlessly, touches the fire

"Alright Jai, truth or dare?" She says

"Dare" Jai says

"Jump in the ocean with all of your clothes on" Dinah says

"Why do you hate me" He says as he walks toward the freezing cold water

About a minute later, Jai comes running back towards us shivering

After about 10 minutes of playing, we decided we need a bit of liquid courage to spice up our answers. So the adults went to get some.

With in the hour, we were all gone

"Ok, Lauren, truth or dare?" Jai says

"Dare!" she yells

"Ok... I dare you to kiss the last person you kissed that's sitting here!" He says making us all laugh

All the secrets were finally out and I guess our drunk mines thought the idea was funny. And it was kind of funny, until she actually went through with it

"Ok" she says turning and placing a kiss on Ryan's mouth....

"Woah!!!" They scream

I couldn't move. She kissed him, she kissed Ryan right in front of me.

"What? You said kiss the last person I kissed that's sitting here... so I did" she says. "What's the problem" she says turning and looking right at me and slightly laughing

"Lauren stop" He says looking over at me

I was speechless and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I tried to ignore it and act like it didn't bother me but, you could see it in my eyes

"Y/n it's not what it... we didn't-" He says

Ryan addressing me actually did more harm then good. I was scared and completely anxious about what just happened and Ryan saying my name and putting more attention on me made me even more angry

"And I'm full of shit" I say

"Okay y/n, it was just a joke calm down" Lauren says laughing

"Calm down? Fuck You" I say

"Not anymore babe. You made sure of that" Lauren's whispers

Well at least she thinks she whispered...

"Lauren shut up your drunk" Dinah says

"It's fine Dinah, she doesn't want me anyways" Lauren once again whispers

And that made me ballistic

"I don't want you? ALL I WANT IS YOU!!" I scream

"Yeah right y/n, you've said that before. You said you wanted me but, you couldn't say-" She yells before I cut her off

"SAY WHAT? I LOVE YOU?" I ask. "FINE LAUREN, I LOVE YOU. I Y/N Y/LN FUCKING LOVE YOU! And I'm sorry I hurt you, I'm sorry that I was scared! Happy?" I say standing up and walking away

"Whatever" she says looking down at her phone and then looking up to see many concerned faces

• Ruth's POV •

Y/n had just ran away towards the docks, I guess she couldn't handle what Lauren was saying plus she hated confrontation. I was surprised she started yelling that she loved Lauren in front of us, but I guess love brings out a side of people that isn't afraid to fight

"... She doesn't love me. I'm here, she's here, its the trip all over again only this time, I'm not falling for the bullshit" Lauren says sitting back and sipping on her glass

I could see the pain in her eyes and in the way she spoke. Y/n hurt her and she wasn't going to get away with it very easily

"What?" Lauren asks looking up at us

"It's not bullshit this time.... " Ryan says

"Ryan she broke up with me so she could do a test, she needed to date other people so she could find out if she really loved me... I fucking told her I was in love with her, and she says that bullshit" She says

"She was scared. I get why you're angry but... she never did the test, she went on one kinda date and never called her again because she's in love with you" I say

"Well she doesn't get to pick and choose when she wants to love me. It's not fair...." Lauren says once again burying her self in her phone

"... do you still love her?" I ask

"Why? It doesn't matter" Lauren says

"It's does matter Lauren! Because there is a girl over there who loves you! And I know she hurt you but, if you have any feelings for her whatsoever, please act on them! Don't let your pride ruin something as special as love" Ally says

".... that was... super sappy Ally, super sappy" Jai says

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