Secret window

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Today was the start of us. Where me and Johnny were cutting Leonardo off for good. Johnny was so beautiful from his jawline to his voice . "I can't believe i got so lucky." He said. "I was just thinking that." I smiled. We were having a baby girl. "I love my two babies ." He looked down at my stomach . "Baby were getting married tomorrow." I smiled. "I know baby ." He licked his lips and kissed my head he got out of bed. "Make me coffee ?" I asked . "Decaf of course." He added. I picked up my phone and got a notification .
E! News
Leonardo DiCaprio has been popping up recently with all the charity he's been donating to...
Someone's busy. I get out of bed and brush my teeth and yawned. I walked to the living room and wrapped my arms around his waist. He turned around and caressed my face . "I love you." I said. "Love you more." He smiled and pecked my lips. "Hey babe ?" He said . "Yeah ?" I said. "I think I'm going to announce we're getting married." He said . "Where you going Now ?" I pouted. "Jimmy Kimmel." He kissed my nose. I sighed in relief. "Why?" He asked. "I don't like you traveling by yourself. I miss you ." I whined. "Well that's the price you have to pay ." He joked. "You're a jerk." I rolled my eyes . "Baby I'm kidding . Look at me." He held me close . "When we have her we can go anywhere we want." He kissed me .  I smiled. "Can i Come ?" I asked. "You don't have to don't you have to check the venue for the wedding ." He added. "Okay then who's going to take me?" I laughed. "Baby just get your rest and I got everything covered okay I love you ." He said handing me my coffee . I pecked his lips. "Don't go." I pouted. "I know I just got back. Baby I'm still not as big as I want to be." He said . "It's just all i see on the tv is you and Leonardo like your in some kind of competition." I said. "Were not we're just making a lot of movies." He kissed my forehead. I sighed. "Hey if we were in a competition I'd win." He smirked. "Shit." I said. "Hey watch your language she has little ears ." He laughed.  "She's kicking ." I smiled . He got on his knees lifted my shirt and kissed my stomach. He looked back up to me. He kissed my lips. He pecked my jawline . "You're going to be late ." I chuckled . "I don't care I'm Johnny depp." he whispered. "Baby ." I said . "Okay okay but you can't have any fun till i get home." He smirked . "I would never ." I bit my lip. "I'll be home late but I'll be home in time to cuddle up next to you and my baby girl." He pecked my lips and walked away to take a shower.

Leonardo's POV
"Leo she's marrying him tomorrow ." Kate said . "That's perfect for her ." I huff. "You know that's not true . You still love her. She loves you." She spoke. "That's where you're wrong . She doesn't want her suicidal fiancé to die. It's like when he was in the hospital . She spent more time with his vegetable self then with me . So Kate , he wakes uses the lines 'I'd die for you jessica. I'd never keep you a secret'. She runs to his arms and falls under his spell. He hates me i mean why wouldn't he. I hate him as equally of course it wasn't always that way. The classic case of a special girl ruining a friendship once again." I explained. "You need to prove that she made a bad choice." Kate nagged. "Fine I'll go to this stupid wedding but they don't want me there. Trust me."

Jessica's POV
The limo driver drove me to the venue and my jaw dropped . "Wow." I gasped. I ran into Winona. "Oh wow you're so pregnant." She laughed. "I know." I smiled. She hugged me "I'll make it to the wedding but I'm so happy for you and Johnny he's so happy ." She said . I was going to get married to Johnny Depp Tomorrow. I went home and turned on the tv. "So there's pictures of you and this girl popping up everywhere jessica correct?" Kimmel said. Johnny rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah ." He's so cute. "The last time you brought her on the show she confirmed that the rumors about her a Leonardo DiCaprio and they aren't true." He said . "Yeah i actually care for her. I actually am going to marry her." Johnny said. The crowd aws. "Oh really so you are engaged?" He asked. "Yes sadly." He chuckled and the whole crowd laughs. I can't wait to spend my life with him.

The next day
The alarm rang and we got up. "It's our wedding day." He smiled. I kissed him hard . I bit his lip slightly because she was kicking. "I can't wait till we share our whole life together." He smirked. "I love you." I smiled. He grinned and pulled me close and kissed me. "Come on . Not right now we have a busy day today. All three of us." I chuckled. "Okay well daddy has to go get his suit and mommy is going to get pretty for me." He licked his lips. "She can't even hear." I whispered. "Oh don't pretend like you didn't slip before . That's probably how she was made." I punched his arm. "Ow Nope nevermind not going to marry you . Don't want an abusive wife ." He chuckled . "That's not funny don't be a douche." "You love me ." He said. "Hmm I think you're right." He held my hand and he kissed the back and got into the shower.

I was ready . More ready than ever. I really hope I don't cry. I thought about Johnny as I was finishing the last touches on everything . "Are you ready?" She said. "Just a second." I said. I thought about how I got instant butterflies the moment he looked at me and when he first asked me out. How after that. I couldn't stop thinking about him. It's like he was implanted in my mind and he wasn't going to move unless I stopped for a second and let him go. But I didn't instead I wanted to love him. As every one told me to stay away. He'll break your heart . He drove me somewhere special and we looked at the stars. The moment he was out of my life was the saddest and i never want to go back there again. "I'm ready ." I spoked. Here comes the bride was playing. I saw him and he was perfect he was smiling and he cried. I tried to hold back my tears but the moment my hand touched his one tear slid down my face . "We are gathered here today..."
"You look amazing ." He whispered.
"All for you" I smirked
"If any of you have a reason why these two should not be together speak now or forever hold your peace."
"I have a reason ." Leonardo spoke.

Sorry i had writers block for like a long time but like it's here it's not that good but it's here

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