Chapter 9

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~Emma's POV~

"J-J-Jack" I stuttered staring at him. Yeah, he was drunk, but not drunk enough to not know what he was doing. I didn't know how to react. I was shocked but at the same time the kiss was nice. I had kissed him before but that was when we were wasted and it was just as friends. This time it was different.

All of a sudden I had the urge to kiss him again. After all the guys I've been with Jack has been the one that truly makes me happy. It took me this long to realize.

"Sorry, Em I just-" I cut him off and kissed him again. His soft, plump lips with a hint of mint was what I craved. I enjoyed every second of it.

Why was this happening? This wasn't like the kiss I had with Cam. It was much different. I actually felt something. I enjoyed every second of the kiss until it came to a stop.

"Well... um...that was.." He started.

"Nice" I finished for him. We stood there for a couple more seconds until he finally spoke again.

"Em, I have to tell you something that I just started to realize. You've been my friend forever and I wouldnt want to jeopardize our friendship but I really like you. Not just as a friend but more than that."

"I like you too, Jack" I said smiling up at him.

"Really? You do?" He said giving a sigh of relief.

"Yeah, I do" I responded

"This sounds really crazy, and it's not the alcohol taking over me but Emma, will you be my girlfriend?" His voice shaky from nerves.

"Of course" I said grabbing his hands. We stayed that way, just staring into each other's eyes for about two minutes. Just enjoying each other's company.

"So..." He began to talk, "what about Cam?" He asked worried for my answer.

"Don't worry it's over nothing even happened between us" I lied. I'm not gonna tell him about what happened between me and Cam. If Cam ever brought it up, I would just deny, deny, deny. He doesn't have any proof that I had sex with him.

"How about we ditch this whole thing and just chill in our room?" Jack asked.

"Sure, let me just tell Cam about everything, ya know?"

Jack grabbed my tiny hand and we walked out of the closet all eyes focused on us and then trailed down to our hands. Then everyone's eyes went to Cam.

"Hey Cam, can I talk to you for a minute?" I said as sweet as possible. He had a sad look on his face as he followed me outside the room.

~Jack's POV~

Cameron and Emma just walked out of the room so they could talk. I am actually resell confused on what just happened. It all happened so fast. All I knew for sure was that I has happy because finally after all these years I realized who I really, truly loved and she was right next to me.

I turned around to face Taylor and Carter who were both every confused.

"So why did you guys walk out holding hands....?" Carter asked.

"I think Emma and I might be dating now?" I told them both.

"Dude, nice!" Taylor said patting me on the back. Carter did the same.

"But what about Cam? I thought they were a thing." Carter asked me.

"No they never did anything. And she doesn't have feelings for him anyway" I explained. Carter and Taylor looked at each other confused but I just ignored it.

We talked for a little bit more about Magcon tomorrow, but all I could think about was finally being able to call Emma mine. I am so excited to tell the rest of the guys about it tomorrow. I hope this doesn't change our friendship because we will always be best friends.

Five minutes later, Emma and Cam walked in. Me and everyone else in the room was expecting him to give me some dirty look but he didn't. All he did was say he was going to go to bed and he left the room.

~Cameron's POV~

"Blah blah blah blah"

That was all I could hear as Emma was going on and on about how sorry she was that she had to "end" things between us. She couldn't end what never even happened. I tried to act sad but it was really hard. My plans working out perfectly so far. Now all I have to think about was when and how I should show Jack the video.

After Emma finished her long ass speech, we went back inside. I didn't give Jack a look or anything, I simply said that I was going to bed and left.

~Emma's POV~

I was truly sorry for Cam. I feel horrible for just dropping him like that. I'm such a bitch but I did it for my happiness. Who knew it would take me to realize the guy that I would be most happy with would be my best friend? I knew from the second I took off my blindfold who I really wanted. And it was Jack.

Cam and I walked back inside and you could cut the tension with a knife. I stared back and forth between both Cam and Jack and I didn't sense any awkward surprisingly. Cam just went back to our room to bed and it was just the four of us left.

" guys are a couple, huh?" Carter smirked.

"Guess so" Jack said smiling at me and wrapping his arm around my shoulder pulling me in close. I put my head on his chest and enjoyed the feeling. I could finally call Jack mine and that is what I've always wanted.

"Well we should probably go to bed considering we have to wake up at 9:00 for Magcon tomorrow morning." Taylor suggested.

"Good idea. See you guys tomorrow" Jack said waving them goodbye as I did the same and we walked out of the room his arm still around me.

We walked to our room in a comfortable silence and once we got into our room we saw a sleeping Cam in his bed.

We were too tired to shower and decided to do it in the morning. We were quiet to make sure we didn't wake up Cam and we changed into our pajamas and climbed in the bed.

"Night, Em" Jack said kissing my forehead. I smiled back at him. Telling him goodnight too. I was so happy and I haven't been happy in a long time.

Jack then knocked out but before I went to bed I decided to send out a quick tweet.

"@EmmaPerkins: finally happy :)" I tweeted it and shut my eyes and went to bed smiling.


people are telling me that I am making cameron look really bad but you can suck my dick because it's my fanfic and I can write whatever the fuck I want :)))))

ok so please vote because the more you vote the faster I write

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