Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Emma's POV

I woke up the next morning on the sofa with the TV still on. It took me a while to get my eyes to adjust to the lights but when they finally did, I realized Jack wasn't next to me. I remembered falling asleep next to him.

I was about to grab my phone to text him and ask him where he was but then I heard soft snores coming from the bed. I laughed to myself as I got up and walked toward the bed. I totally forgot I left the bed and moved to the couch because Jack was snoring so damn loud. I hate when people interupt my sleep and he definitely did.

Instead of waking him up, I crouched down next to the bed so we were eye to eye. I left a soft kiss on his temple and let him continue to sleep. I was actually really excited for today because I was going to hang out with Cameron. I was still deciding whether or not I should tell Jack we were hanging out. To be honest, he probably would find out anyway because Cameron would probably post a picture.

My thoughts were interrupeted by my phone buzzing. I checked the caller ID and sure enough, it was Cam.

I looked over at Jack who was still slightly snoring. I decided to answer it after all I unblocked him for a reason.

I quietly made my way to the front door and let myself out of the room and into the hallway. I answered the phone.

"Hey, Cam" I said a little bit quieter than usual.

"Whats up Emma" he responded sweetly. His voice seemed a little quiet as well but I ignored it.

"So, what are we doing today?" I asked. I was actually really excited. Cam always had something very interesting up his sleeve, just like the 2am swimming dare.

"Well that's a surprise. Meet me at the bus station on Sunset Blvd at 3:00." What the fuck could this be.

"Um ok. See ya then!" We both said goodbye and I hung up. I hate now knowing where I was going or what I was going to do.

I was about to walk back into the room but someone opened the door for me.

"Jack I-"

"Who was on the phone" He was still half asleep. He rubbed his eyes and yawned.

"Actually, I was talking to Cam. We're hanging out today, just as friends of course" I honestly had no fucks. If I was going to tell him the truth, I might as well just go on and say it.


"Jack, if we don't have trust then we don't have anything. You can trust me, I won't do anything with him. We are not and would never do anything together" I told him crossing my fingers behind my back.

Jack closed his eyes and breathed out. I think since it was the morning, he wasn't fully thinking so he was being more calm about the whole thing.

"Do you trust me?" I questioned him. I looked up at him straight in the eye. He didn't answer. "Jack?"

"Emma, you know I trust you, it's just... Why him?"

"Like I said, we're just friends. Just think of it like I'm just hanging out with Johnson" he loosened up a bit and I was actually very surprised.

Instead of an answer, Jack just rolled his eyes. I'll take that as a yes? I was actually pretty shocked by his response. I thought he was going to punch a wall or something.

I went back inside to see Jack just laying in bed on his phone. He obviously wasn't in the greatest mood but he could get over it. I checked the clock to see how much time I had until I had to get ready to go.

'2:30' the clock read. What the fuck?! I didn't know I slept in for that long. I had to meet Cam in 30 minutes. I ran to the bathroom and too a shower as fast as I could. After washing my hair, face, and body, I hoped out and wrapped my towel around me. I brushed my teeth and tried to brush out my wet, tangled hair. Now. I had to figure out what to wear.

Cameron's POV

I'm actually really surprised Jack let Emma hang out with me. I obviously did it just to make Jack jealous but how did he get him to say yes? I thought I was going to have to do it the hard way and by hard way I mean actually kidnapping her.

I was not looking forward to this day at all but I have to act all excited and shit. If the plan works, I would get Mahogany to take a picture of us getting really close, almost looking like Emma would be about to kiss me. And then a "fan" would tweet the picture. The fan account would actually be a random account that I would make, but I haven't gotten to that part yet. I still have to confirm things with Mahogany but that shouldn't be hard.

I was waiting at the bus stop for her and at exactly 3:00 she showed up.

"Hey, Em" I smiled at her giving her a little hug. She hugged me back and smiled. I was actually hoping we would run into some fans so they could take some picture as well. The more people know, the faster Jack will find out.

"Where the hell are we going" she laughed while she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. She was keeping her distance from me so it didn't look like we were a couple. Smart girl.

"You'll see" I cooed. I turned around and rolled my eyes. The bus pulled up around 5 minutes later and we went in. The bus was slightly crowded but there weren't any people who recognized my face which sucked because no fans could take pictures right now.

We squeezed our way to a seat towards the back. I let her take the window seat since I'm so polite and I sat down after her. She scooted her body as far away from me as possible. She had her boundaries. The bus started and we were on our way.

Jack's POV

After Emma told me her plans with Cam, you bet I was upset, angry, mad, and every other word you could use to describe a typical jealous boyfriend. I don't know if it was because of how tired I was but I let Emma go because I knew I could trust her. I've known her for so long I know she wouldn't lie to me. If she says she won't do anything with Cam, she won't do anything with Cam.

After she left, I called up Johnson to see if hg wanted to grab some food and he agreed so thats what I was going to do all day to try to get my mind off the fact that my girlfriend is hanging out with another guy. Maybe they were all right, maybe I did need to chill. It's not my fault I'm protective.


ok so that was a filler chapter the next one will be really eventful

sorry that was so shitty I'm in a really bad mood bc I just found out my crush is changing schools next year and we've both kinda liked each other for a while now but we're to scared to admit it you know how that goes :/

sorry for telling you about my life I just needed to tell someone ya know? anyway thanks for reading I love you all so fucking much ok

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