Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Emma's POV

It's been three days since Jack left and I've barely slept or ate. Part of me wanted to call him and explain everything that happen but I know if I did, Cameron could physically hurt me. I was scared and I wanted to go home as well. I know if I went home, I would run into him and that would break my heart to pieces.

I haven't talked to my family in days, I blocked Mahogany's number, and I really want to get a new phone to get rid of all these memories of Jack on the one I have now.  

I got up from my seat at the back of the cafe.I've spent a lot of time here for the past couple of days. I sit in the same booth in the back corner and order the same drink. I usually just sit and stare outside or I read a book.

Unlike all the other days, it was actually pretty cold outside. It was very gray and it looked like it was about to rain. It went with my mood.

I walked outside the wind automatically blowing in my face. I squinted my eyes making my way towards the closest pharmacy. This was the last thing I wanted to do but I really had to see if i was pregnant or not. I kept walking for about 15 minutes and I had no idea where the hell I was going until I saw a Walgreens.

I let out a deep breath and made my way towards the store as slow as possible. I crossed the busy street and made my way into the store.

The store was near empty which made sense because it was almost 10:00 at night. The man at the counter greeted me and I gave him a small smile in return. I scanned past the isles until I found different brands of pregnancy tests. I grabbed two different types just to be safe and walked up to the cashier. I also grabbed a jug of Sunny-D.

I sighed and placed the boxes on the counter. The cashier shook his head as he scanned my items. 

“Teenagers these days” He mumbles under his breath.

“Trust me, this wasn’t my choice” I bit a hang nail at the side of my thumb.

As hard as it was I was slowly adjusting to Jack not being with me anymore. Of course it would take a lot more time and these last couple days were rough but it’s just something I have to get used to, I guess.

After he rings me up, I thank him and start my way back to the hotel. Thankfully, Cameron wasn’t staying in the hotel anymore, instead he was at his actually house so he was far away from me. The scary part was that I didn't know where he was but he knew where I was.

Before I knew it, I was walking up to the door of the hotel. The pit in my stomach was starting to grow. I walked inside of the quiet hotel room and sat on the bed that was already made by the house keeping. I took the boxes out of the plastic bags and held them both in my hands. It’s time to find out the truth. I sighed and got up from the bed and opened the door to the bathroom.

I opened the first box and took out the stick.  “Okay, let’s get this over with” I sighed and went to the toilet. I pushed down my jeans and underwear and sat on the toilet putting the stick inside the toilet.

 I started to get really nervous and  it was safe to say I was sweating like a whore in church. After I peed on the stick. I wiped and pulled my underwear and jeans back up. I slowly walked over to the sink. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like a mess. I was wearing no makeup, and my hair was all tangles up. I could never imagine myself being pregnant. The thought didn’t even seem right to me.

I put the stick under the sink and waited a couple minutes. I shut my eyes and put my elbows on the counter.

“You can do this, Em” I repeated to myself. "Ok on the count of three…one, two, three” I quickly opened my eyes and the test showed one line. One line meant not pregnant, I remember reading on the box. I took the biggest sigh of relief of my life. I was ecstatic. But there was still one more to go. I had to be 100% sure.

This is where the Sunny-D came in. I unscrewed the cap and gulped almost all of it down. I sat down on the bathroom floor and waited a couple minutes before I had to pee again.

I got up and repeated the steps. After I sat the second stick in the sink as well. I shut my eyes and counted to three. It was only one line. I wasn’t pregnant.

Jack's POV

I'm so tired of missing Emma. She hasn't left my mind since the last time I saw her. She really did break my heart and it hurts me every fucking second of the day. I got up from my bed and looked over to my clock. It read '2:00 pm'. That's the time I've been waking up for the past couple of days. I put on a plain white t-shirt and black basketball shorts. I walked over to my drawer and pulled out my Altoid's can. I left my phone on my bed and walked downstairs saying a quick "good morning" to my mom and walked out the front door. 

It was not the brightest day outside. It was damp because of the rain from last night.

I headed towards the abandoned park that Emma and I would always go to. I've been coming here for the past couple of days. After the 10 minute walk, I sat down on the rusty swings. No one was in sight so I opened the Altoid's can revealing two joints. I picked up one of them and put it between my lips.

I just didn't want to feel anything anymore. I know I can't use this to get Emma out of my head but it was a start.

I took the lighter out of the can and connected it with the tip of the joint and I inhaled. As I exhaled, clouds of smoke left my mouth. I moved my legs causing the swing to move slightly. Every time I inhaled, I felt the fire in my lungs but it was a nice pain. I started to feel less and less. I felt better. 

My thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of leaves crunching behind me. Great. I turned around on the swing which caused the chains to tangle up. There was a girl in the distance who was slowly walking up to me, smiling. I knew exactly who it was.

"What's up, Gilinsky"

"Shut the fuck up, Brooke" I turned back around taking another hit from the blunt.

"I didn't know you were back in town" She said taking the joint out of my hand and inhaling some for herself. I was too lazy to take it back. She sat down on the swing next to me. 

"Look" she started taking another smoke, "I'm sorry about everything, okay?" the smoke exhaled from her mouth as she spoke causing clouds to form in front of her face. She looked me in my eyes. "I was a bitch then, I know, but I've changed" I just shook my head laughed.

"You ruined Emma's life, you know that?" I turned to look at her. She looked down. She actually did look like she was sorry.

"I know" She said quietly, the joint still in between her fingers. "How is she?"

"We actually were a couple but it didn't end well" The words hurt to say, but it was true.

"You guys actually were a thing? Called it." She said chuckling.

"We've broken up. We haven't talked for days." Brooke actually seemed concerned. We would never go days without talking to each other so this was big news to her as well.

"I'm sorry Jack" She said looking at me. She handed me my joint back.

"It's fine" I said fast. I didn't want this topic to go on.

"Well, I gotta go home but text me if you want to talk, okay?" Brooke said getting up from the swing. I nodded my head slightly as she walked away. Normally, I would have never carried on a conversation with her but I didn't really have the energy to care. Maybe she did actually change.


did any of you guys think of a certain movie during Emma's POV?? I kinda gave you a clue with the Sunny-D ;) if you know what movie I'm talking about ily


ily but i love gilinsky more sorry bout it

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