Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Jack's POV

She knew exactly what she was doing. The way Sammy slung his arm around her, the way they both had a smirk on their face, and the way her eyes were staring right into my soul.

She strutted past me, her ass hanging out of her shorts, and sat back down. She was basically on Sammy's lap. This infuriated me. After all the shit Sammy put her through she goes back. Why, though?

Her and Sammy started talking to one another. I kept my eyes glued to her. I couldn't believe she was actually going to do this, and right in front me me. I don't even want to know what they did while they were inside. Did he fuck her? He better not have or I swear to god I will--

"Jack!" Brooke shook my shoulders. I completely forgot she was there.

"Oh sorry, what?" I said keeping my eyes on Emma and Sammy.

"For the fifth time, where's your lighter?" I wasn't focued on what Brooke was saying. I was more focused on what was happeneing right in front of me. The flirting, the laughing, the giggling. I couldn't take it anymore.

"Emma, can I talk to you for a second?" Everyone went dead silent. Sammy looked really nervous which he should be.

"Sure" She said quietly. She unraveled herself from Sammy's arm and got up. I walked to the side yard and she followed behind me from a distance.

She put her back against the wall and I faced her. I could tell she knew I was angry by the expression on her face. She was kind of smiling. Congrats, she got what she wanted.

"Are you fucking serious, Emma?" I tried to keep my voicce down but that was almost imposible.

"What?" she crossed her arms over her chest and blinked.

"What the fuck did you do with Wilk" I was yelling now. Her face that was originally smirking turned into  frustration. 

"That's none of your fucking business" She yelled just as loud. I was sure the others could hear us but I didn't even care for a second.

"Did you fuck him?" I squinted my eyes and lowered my voice slighty. I took a step closer to her.

"Jack, step away from me" She said cautiously, her voice shaking.

"No answer my fucking question" I stepped closer to her. I knew I would never hit her. I'm better than that, but I was so infuriated it was hard to restrain my anger.

"Jack it's none of you business what I did now back the fuck up!" She yelled in my face.

"My god, Emma you're such a fucking, fucking"

"Fucking what?!" 

"You're such a fucking slut!" I screamed and then paused. Did I really just?

Then I saw the tears well up in her eyes. After all the shit she had gone through with people calling her that word, I had just said it. I can't believe I did that. I'm the biggest dick in the whole world.

"Emma, I-" She wiped her eyes and next thing I knew her hand connected with my cheek. She slapped me.

"Never talk to me again" She said, her tone of voice steady. She pushed past me and ran to into the house to leave.

I was speechless. My best friend is gone. And it's all my fucking fault. 

I put my arms behind my head and took a deep breath. My fist connected with the brick wall in front of me.

"Shit" I said as I looked at my knuckes quickly turning red from blood. I could barely move my hand, I might have even broken it. But I don't even care, that's not what's important right now. What's important is that I lost the only person that truly mattered to me.

Emma's POV

I was speechless. I would never think Jack would say those words about me and he just did. I felt like this was a dream. That none of that ever happened. Jack called me a slut.

The way he said it stung my heart. I will never forget what he had just said to me. 

I walked back to my house, after all, I didn't live that far away. My mom was still at the Gilinsky's but she will figure out sooner or later I wasn't there.

The best way to describe how I felt was simply broken. I was still in so much shock it didn't feel real to me. I didn't want anything to do with him anymore. I know he would try to text, I know he would try to call, so the best thing to do is block his number. 

After I blocked his number, I thought what it would be like to not be his friend anymore. After all, he was the only close friend I had. I don't want anything to do with Sammy. I only kissed him because of jealousy. I felt nothing while kissing him. Johnson had always been a good friend to me but I know he would just try to get me and GIlinsky to be friend again. And Brooke is self explanitory, I wasn't going to be friends with her anytime soon.

So basically, I was alone.

I walked into my empty house and ran striaght up to my room. The tears have dried which I was surprised about. I was more angry than upset. I fell on my bed. I was so tired I just wanted to sleep. I sent my mom a quick text telling her I had gone hime because I felt sick. She responded with an "ok medicine in the pantry if you need it"

I got up and went to the bathroom to remove my makeup and brush my teeth. The beer aftertaste made me feel sick to my stomach.

After brushing my teeth, I tied my hair up in a bun because I was not in the mood to brush through my extremely tangled hair. I changed out of my clothes and put on a pair of Nike shorts and an old volleyball shirt.

I walked back to my bed and got under my warm blankets. They felt amazing after the shitty event that just happened. I reached for my headphones on my bedside table and plugged them into my phone. I put my phone on airplane mode because I just didn't want to be bothered. 

I put my music on shuffle and Childish Gambino blasted in my ears. This was perfect. Pink Toes started playing.

rainbows, sunshine, everywhere I go

I raised the volume to drown out my thoughts. Before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.



hope ya enjoyed the chaper!

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xoxo, syd tha kyd 

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