Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Emma's POV

I cried for a good 5 minutes. I didn't know what to do. Being in this vulnerable state brought back flashbacks of the night. I hated being vulnerable, and not in control of what was happening. I started to become really nervous. My head was spinning

"It's all over Emma. He's all gone now." I repeated those words in my head over and over. Jack told me whenever I start thinking about that night, I should just repeat those words in my head.

It was getting pretty late and I had no ride back home. Hell, I didn't even know where I was.

I took out my phone from my pocket and dialed Jack's number because I knew he would answer right away. He always did.

"Emma? Are you okay? Where are you?" Hearing his voice broke me. He was always so concerned for me and here I go stabbing him in the damn back. Cameron said he had a bunch of things he could use to blackmail me. What else could he have?

"H-hey, Jack" I said, my voice shaking. "Um do you think you could come pick me up?" I was nervous to hear his answer. Obviously he would pick me up in a heartbeat but he can't know what really just happened.

"Emma... What happened...?" His voice was getting more serious by the word.

"Nothing happened I'm fine." I wiped a tear that had escaped from my eye. It hurt so much that I had to lie to him like this. I wasn't fine. "It's just Cameron had to go for a family emergency." Oh god another lie.

"So he left you there, alone, at fucking 9 o'clock?!" He was upset now. It was only a matter of time.

I took a deep breathe, "Jack, like I said I'm fine, okay?" Lies. "He seemed like something horrible happened with his family."

"He can't just leave you there!" He was screaming into the phone, I could imagine his face right now.

"Never mind Jack, I can just take the bus or someth-"

"No!" oh, that was fast "Where are you, I'll pick you up" I looked around looking for a familiar store, or anything near here. I found a sign with the name of the park on it. it was far in the distance so I had to squint my eyes a little bit and it finally cleared up. The sign read Riverview Park.

"Riverview Park"

"Ok, stay there. " he said and hung up.

I walked over to the benches and sat down on one folding my arms in front of my and laying my face on my arms. I few quiet sobs left my mouth as a couple of tears went down my cheeks. Why did this have to happen to me? What did I ever do to Cameron? What were the other things he has to blackmail me?

The more I cried, the more I realized how worthless I actually am. I feel like I'm such a burden to Jack. He's too good for me. Whenever I get into bad shit like this, he'd always be the first person to help me.


It was the summer after freshman year (grade 9) and the group was all hanging out. Me, Jack, Brooke, Johnson, and Sam were all in Sam's backyard because he has a cool fire pit. I sat in between Brooke and Johnson and across from the fire was Sam and Jack. We were all wrapped in blankets because it was pretty chilly outside for July.

We were all just talking about nothing important until Brooke spoke up.

"This is lame" she stated bluntly. The rest of us looked confused and annoyed. Brooke always spoke her mind. She never cared about anyone else's opinion but hers. "Wilkinson, do you have any alcohol?" She asked Sam. Sam just shrugged his shoulders. "Well go check!" She ordered him. He rolled his eyes and got up to go inside to check.

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