Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Emma's POV

Everyone seemed pretty happy about me and Jack so that was a relief. The Magcon event was about to start and I was instructed to stay backstage during the whole thing. I didn't mind it that much considering a lot of the fans probably didn't want to see me anyway. They were here for the boys.

Exactly at 11:00 I started to hear hundreds of screaming girls. Great. I could see the stage from backstage and I saw a bunch of girls running up to the stage. A couple got trampled and I felt really bad but they made it back up and continued running. Everyone was pushing and shoving trying to make their way to the front and eventually everyone was settled.

About 5 minutes later, the boys ran out onto the stage and I cannot even explain how loud it became. Some girls were crying and some probably lost their voice. I never understood why girls freak out over things like this, it's not like they are going to remember who they are tomorrow.

After all of the screaming calmed down, the boys did a meet and greet with some of the fans. A lot of them couldn't contain their tears and it actually made me chuckle. It was interesting how much all the boys could make the girls girls happy.

After the meet and greets, Shawn and Jacob performed on stage and I have to say they were very talented. They should really make an album. After the performances, Taylor announced that it was time for the audience to ask questions.

The crowd went crazy and everyone had questions for the boys. One of the security members passed the microphone to one of the girls.

"OH MY GOD. Okay, so first of all I love all of you so much, but my question is for Aaron. What is your favorite part of L.A.?"

"Well, personally, I love the weather the most" Aaron smiled make to the girl who was still freaking out. Aaron was such a nice guy. He really seemed to care for his fans a lot.

"Okayyy next question" Aaron asked. The security guard passed the microphone to the next screaming girl.

"Hey guys! I'm a big fan! So I was wondering.." She looks at Cam, "Are you and Emma dating?" My heart froze. She must have seen the tweets from the night me and Cam went to the pool. I looked at Jack and he clenched his jaw. He was starting to turn red and the rest of the boys were silent too. The audience just cheered. I was so glad no one could see my face because it would be as red as a tomato. The only person who was calm about the question was Cam. He looked at the fan and smirked. I swear to god if he says we are a couple...

"Actually..." He wouldn't dare. "Emma and I don't have anything between us. We are just friends." I let out a sigh of relief. Thank god he didn't say anything about our past or the fans would hate me so much.

"But," Shit. "She might have something going on with another member of us." Cam looked to the side stage to where I was sitting. Is he stupid?! He should have known that me and Jack wanted to wait to tell the fans. The audience got really quiet and I don't even want to know what they were thinking of me.

"She's actually backstage right now! Hey Emma come out here!" Cam said looking at me and calling me out there. Is he fucking serious. This is going to be the most awkwardest thing I have ever done. Why would he do this to me? I slowly got up from the seat I was sitting in and made my way on to the stage. All eyes were on me and when I looked over to Jack his face was bright red too. The fans didn't respond. They were all probably in shock from the whole thing because all of their jaws dropped.

I looked at Cam and he looked totally fine about the whole thing. He had a smile on his face. He tossed me the microphone. What the hell am I supposed to do with this?!

"H-Hi?" My voice was shaky. A couple fans said hi back but it was not enough to fill the awkward silence. The fans kept looking back and forth between Jack and I and we had the same expression. I would do anything to get out of this situation. The fans knew me as being Jack's friend but never his girlfriend. I looked back over to Jack and I knew I was about to cry. Why would I want to be put on the spot like that? Jack saw that I was about to cry too. I turned around on my heels and ran off the stage handing the microphone to Jack J. on the way out. He was my second best friend and I could tell he felt sorry for me.

When I was off the stage I ran straight for the bathroom. No one was in there so I just started crying. The tears streamed down my face, I was a total mess. My makeup was getting ruined by the second. So this is what it was going to have to be like. This is how it's going to be when fans find out that I'm Jack's girlfriend.

My phone started buzzing like crazy. I was getting a bunch of Twitter notifications by the second,

"Gilinsky's new girlfriend is such a whore"

"I heard that Jack G's new girlfriend hooked up with Cameron a couple days ago! What a slut"

"I thought Emma was just Jack's best friend. Lol guess not... :/"

All of this hate from people I have never even heard of. What did I do to deserve this? I needed to get out of here. I grabbed a Kleenex and wiped my tears away and took the back exit to get out of this damn building. Maybe I should just go to the beach. After all, it's only a 10 minute walk away and it was a hot day. I could just plug my headphones in and take a nap there.

On my way to the beach I would not let one tear escape from my eye. I don't want this hate to get to my head. I walked past the hotel and onto the sidewalk. As I was walking, I accidentally ran into someone and both of our things fell.

"Oh my god i'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention" I said bending down to pick up my purse.

"Oh don't even worry about it! It was my fault." She said grabbing her things too. When we both came back up, the only thing I could focus on was her big red hair.

When we looked at each other in the eyes, her eyes grew wider. Does she know who I am or something? Then a smile grew on her face.

"I'm Mahogany by the way"



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