Chapter 1

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Alisha pov

its my B-Day Turn The Fuck Up! im gettin ready to head to skool its the second month of my high skool Senior year. i put on

*a half white t-shirt that shows my stomach

*high waist denim shorts

*all white jordans wit anckle socks

i have a tan body which makes the outfit looks good on me. i let my natural dirty blonde curly hair go loose down my back.

i took some flicks then walked down stairs to be greeted by my two parents.

Me: hey Mark hey Josh

J&M: hey honey

i sat at the table. Dad J turned around handing me a plate wit 2 waffles, whip cream, syrup, and strawberries.

Dad M sat down a cup of orange juice. they started singing happy birthday as i smiled at them. when they were done i started eating as we had a conversation.

when i was done. i kissed both of my dads on the cheeks and walked out the house.

i hopped in my 2014 Camaro drivin to skool. when i got in i walked to my locker.

i was bein greeted by alot of people and some sayin happy birthday.

i grabbed my books only to fill muscular arms wrap around my waist. i smiled when i smelled their colonge.

Ash: happy birthday babe

i turned around to face my girlfriend. i pecked her lips and smiled runnin my hands threw her short hair cut.

Me: thx babe

Ash: so wat are u doin for today?

Me: a party, my parents are settin it up at home and they will be gone for a week

Ash: sounds good

she kissed me. i held the back of her neck pullin her closer. we were havin a make out session until the bell rung. i smiled in the kiss as she pulled back.

she walked me to class hand in hand. when we got to the class she pecked my lips.

Ash: see u at lunch?

Me: as always

Ash: love you

Me: love you too

i smiled and walked in class. ok let me fill u guys in. no im not addopded Mark is my real dad.

him and my mom splited up 5 years ago when i was 12. she found out my father was gay and uped and left.

ur wonderin why she didnt take me. she was homophobic and i camed out at the age of 11. she never talked or treated me the same she only looked at me with disgust all over her face.

my dad found Josh 3 months later. they got married when i was 15 and i love Dad J like he was my own dad.

ok me and Ash we have been together for 10 months now and i love that girl and i know she feels the same. shes 5'9 on the basketball team.

shes brownskin with dark brown eyes and short curly brown hair. she loves the gym and has some tattoos. my Dads love her.

the bell rung loud snappin me out of my thoughts. i collected my books and things headin out the class room to be attacked by my bestfriend.

Shad: Happy Birthday Hoe!

Me: thx Slut!

Shad is my gay bestfriend we have been through hell and back sense freshman year when we met.

Shad is tall about 5'10 or 11. hes lightskin wit brown hair which he died blonde. he has the prettiest light green eyes. idk why he didnt have a boyfriend.

he was cute i would date him if we were both straight.

Shad: so wat are u doin for ur birthday?

Me: party tonite at my place

he held his hand over his heart with a fake gasp.

Shad: and u aint invite me oh hell naw dont make me shoot a bitch

Me: u know ur always invited

Shad: mmhmm

i wrapped my arms around his neck.

Me: u know i love you bestie

Shad: yea hoe i know i love ur ugly ass too

now it was my turn to gasp as i put my hand over my heart. he smiled swingin his arm around my shoulder.

Shad: im just playin but where that ugly ass girl u be messin wit

idk why but Shad doesnt like Ash. he has a bad vibe about her idk y. but he stays cool and collected when she was around for me. i put my head on his shoulder as we walked the halls.

Me: some where i gotta meet her for lunch

Shad: mmhmm i still dont like her soooo u goin to lunch wit me

Me: can Ash-

Shad: nope

Me: but-

Shad: nope

Me: Please!

Shad: ok ugh only for me bestie

i jumped huggin him and kissin his cheek as he smiled.

Shad: ik ik im the best and still da baddest bitch

he started twekin as people looked but he didnt care. thats wat i loved about him. i laughed as he backed it up on me.

how is it? and wat do u think about Alisha, Shad, and Ash?

give me some feedback so i can update som more


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