Chapter 29

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Alisha pov

i watched as a smilin Jas got out her seat huggin dis Lilly girl. i let them hug for another 3 seconds.

i cleared my throat. Jas pulled away and looked at me. ik she can tell i wasnt happy at all.

she sat bck in her seat not lookin at anybody. i turned my attention back on the girl and the doctor.

"thats all the information we have and i will have nurses check up on u later" she said.

her and her daughter walked out.

Jasmine: Ali i-

i held my hand up signaling for her to stop talkin. i rubbed the side of my head takin deep breaths. i looked at Shad smilin.

Me: so how u been bestfriend?

he looked between me and Jas.

Shad: good i think i should go home

Me: naw naw u gud, were all gud right Jas?

i looked at her. she looked scared as she nodded not speaking.

Shad: i gtg anyway cause i have to go see Jordan

i pouted.

Me: ok see ya later.

he came and gave me a hug kissin my cheek.

Shad: dont kill her

he whispered in my ear.

Me: ill try

i whispred back. he walked out the room. i layed back on the hospital bed lettin out a sigh closin my eyes.

Jasmine: Alisha?

Me: shut the fuck up Jasmine i dont want to hear it, if u still love the girl go to her i aint holdin u back

i heard her footsteps and felt her hand on my stomach.

Jasmine: i dont want her....Ali please look at me

i sighed and looked at her to see tears runnin down her face.

Jasmine: i love you and only u she was the past, u know how much i love u, i would give u the world, i gave u my heart and i will give u my life if it means savings urs, dont end us please i just got u back and i dont wanna lose u over again because of someone from my past

she whipped my face with her thumbs kissin my lips.

Me: im srry.....i just need sometime to think

Jasmine: no baby pls i love you pls dont do this to me again i cant loose u again

Me: just give me time to think

she stood up punchin the wall.

Jasmine: take ur time

she walked out the door leaving me there to cry.


wat should Alisha do?


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