Chapter 8

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Alisha pov

Me: Shad stop playin!!!

i screamed as he kept ticklin me.

Me: i.cant.breath!

he stopped sittin beside me on the couch laughin. i punched him in his arm.

Me: i hate you

Shad: LIES!!!

Me: Stfu

Shad: but i gotta go

Me: already?

Shad: bitch its eight o'clock plus we got skool

Me: ok see u tonorrow........maybe

and he walked out. i huffed lookin around in my now empty house. there was a knock at the door.

i thought it was Shad but it was









Me: wat do u want?

she walked in closin and lockin the door. i backed up until i was against the wall.

she smashed her lips on mine. i was takin back. she kissed down my neck makin my knees weak as i moaned.

Me: Ash stop

i practicly moaned. she moved her lips back to mine bitin on my bottom lip. she slid her tongue in my mouth as i started to kiss back.

she picked me up. i wrapped my legs around her waist. she carried me up to my room not breakin the kiss.

she layed me on my bed kissin down my neck. i moaned in her ear gettin my hands tangled in her hair.

my mind was completely blank. she removed her shoes. i pulled her shirt up as she did the same to mine.

she left open kisses down my chest. i arched my back. she unclipped my bra puttin a nipple in her mouth.

i moaned as she sucked harder. she moved down to my waist band pullin my pants down along wit my red laced undies.

she licked my slit makin me moan louder. i grabbed her hair pullin on it as she stuck two fingers in. her pace was slow.

Me: faster!

i moaned. she picked up her pace goin deeper. i was close and i know she could tell cause she pulled her fingers out.

she licked them movin up. she kissed my lips. i unbuckled her pants and she slid them off revealin a strap on.

she positioned herself and slid in alittle. i bit my lip as she went deeper until it was all the way in.

she started strokin in and out slowly. i moaned as she groaned. she picked up the pace hittin my g spot makin me scream out her name.

as i came she stroke in and out a few more times makin sure i was done. she pulled out goin down to clean me up.

she came back up peckin my lips.

Ash: i love you

Me: i love you too

and i fell asleep feelin as she wrapped her arms around me pullin me closer.


i woke up to someone movin around in my bed. i started to freak out until i remembered last night.

Ash: babe why are u cryin?

Me: GET OUT!!!!!

Ash: wat?


she looked hurt but got up puttin on her clothes and left. muttering an 'i love you'

my phone started ringin. i picked it up without lookin at the I.D.

Me: hello

Jasmine: hey babe wats wrong?

that made me cry harder.

Jasmine: Ali im on my way ill be there in five

i was about to tell her no but she hung up. i looked under the covers to see i was still naked.

i got out of bed walkin into my closet. i put on some sweat pants and a sports bra puttin my hair in a messy bun.

i sat on my bed when i heard the front door open and close. i heard feet runnin up the stairs.

Jasmine: Ali!?

Me: in here

she walked in lookin at me face. she ran over to me wrappin her arms around me. i put my head on her chest cryin as she rubbed my back.

Jasmine: wats wrong?

Me: im srry Jas im so sorry

Jasmine: wat happened?

Me: i cheated

i felt her tense up.

Jasmine: wit who?

Me: A-Ash she came by and it j-just happened im so srry

i gripped her shirt burrien my face in her chest.

Jasmine: i-i gotta go

Me: no Jas im so srry i didnt mean for any of this to happen u have to believe me

Jasmine: im sorry

i grabbed her makin her sit back down. i sat on her lap wrappin my arms around her neck. she had tears runnin down her face.

i connected our lips makin it a passionate kiss. i put all my love in it. yea love, i fell for this girl. she kissed back but pulled away.

Me: i love you so fuckin much i didnt notice it but i do now please im beggin u dont end us

Jasmine: i love you too deeply but wat if it happens again?

Me: it wont please

Jasmine: im sorry i need sometime to think

she got up and left makin me break down again.

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