Chapter 9

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Alisha pov

its the next day. i didnt go to skool cause of wat happened yesturday. i got out the bed runnin my hand through my hair.

i got in the shower tryin not to cry again. i stepped out brushed my teeth and washed my face.

i walked back into my room throwin on anything. i was too lazy to get all dressed up.

i grabbed my things and hopped in my car. Ash had to just come and ruin my life. i wonder wat Jas is doin.

i was thinkin to much that i didnt notice i was at skool and now walkin towards my locker.

i threw my books in the locker and grabbed my first two period books. i started walkin towards class even though the bell didnt ring yet.

i saw Shad while walkin. i guess he saw me cause he came joggin towards me. he wrapped his arm around me as i put my head on his shoulder.

Shad: wats wrong?

Me: Ash got inbetween me and Jas and we broke up

Shad: how?

i leaned up against the lockers and told him wat happened from the day he left and yesturday morning. now i had tears runnin down my face.

Shad: im gonna kill that girl

Me: not if i kill her first

i got up walkin away lookin for Ash. i turned the corner and bumped into something or someone makin me land on my ass.

i looked up to see chocolate brown eyes. oh god not today. it was the mystery girl from the party and fair.

she flashed me and smile holdin out her hand. i grabbed it as she helped me up.

???: suprise to see u again

Me: yea......

???: names Vanessa but everybody calls me Ness

Me: nice to meet Ness im Alisha

i smiled shakin her hand. Jas walked past us glarin at Ness. i excused myself from Ness and walked up to Jas.

Me: hi Jas

she looked at me and looked back ahead of her.

Jasmine: sup?

Me: can we talk?

Jasmine: Ali i said i need sometime to think okay?

i nodded and walked away feelin hurt. i walked into my first period and sat all the way in the back of the class  and put my head down.

10min later i was knocked out until i felt someone tap my shoulder. i didnt pic my head up.

Me: wat?

???: is this seat takin?

i lifted my head up to see Nessa.

Me: naw its not

she smiled and sat down. Ash walked into the room. she scanned the room into her eyes landed on mine.

she gave me a little smile while i kept my face with no emotion. she quickly looked away and sat in her seat which was infront of me.

Nessa: so thats ur girl?

Me: Ex

she nodded her head with a little smile. we started up a convo and got to know eachother. she brung up the party.

Ness: do u remeber anything from the party?

Me: not really all i remember was dancin, gettin drunk, and seeing ur eyes when we played body shots

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