Chapter 17

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Alisha pov

???: where this hoe at!!!

oh god please no.

???: idc if im too loud, u too damn quiet, where the fuck my bestfriend room at, yall gotta nigga lose aint tryna give me n-

Lady: excuse me sir ur too loud

???: uh huh do not get loud wit me, u aint special boo boo u.aint.special so dont interupt, rude

Me: Shad!

i hurt his feet runnin until the door flew open.

Shad: HEY BISH!!!

Me: why u so loud?

he plopped in the seat next to me

Shad: bitches wanna act up and not tell me ur room number i was gettin fustrated

i smiled at him then looked him over.

Me: ur hair is back to brown

Shad: yea my hair was growin so i cut the blonde off, imma dye it again, ok enough about me wats wit u how u get up in here?

i told him the whole story from Ash house to the car crash.

Shad: damn girl u lucky, im glad ur alive baby girl cause ur funeral, i would sat a bitch on fire, i would have been cryin waterfalls

i laughed but i knew he was serious.

Shad: but Ash really did that? wow i never knew she would let u go now shes out the picture

Me: yea me either but Ness-

Shad: wat about Ness

he cut me off.

Me: she wokemeupwitakiss

his eyes got wide.

Shad: oooo did u tell Jasmine?

Me: yea

Shad: oooo did she beat that ass

Me: no i explained everything and we talked all yesturday night now its all in the past

he nodded.

Me: soooo?

Shad: i got a boyfriend

he was smilin all big.

Me: is he under 19?

Shad: yes

Me: is he over 17?

Shad: yes

Me: does he have a job?

Shad: yes

Me: do u have a job?

Shad: yes

Me: are u serious about this one?

Shad: yes

Me: awww im so happy for u babe, so tell me sumthin about him

Shad: his name is Jordan, hes alittle darker then me, green eyes, and cute as hell we had so much fun talkin and we have alot in common

Me: are u gonna ask him out?

Shad: yea on our next date which is tomorrow night

Me: u planned it?

Shad: yea first we are goin to the movies, out to eat, then were gonna go to the carnival

Me: awww thats cute dont fuck it up Shad and i wanna meet this Jordan

Shad: ok

we talked for the rest of the day until they said guest hours were over. Shad kissed me on my forehead and left.

the nurse came and did there thing as i watched tv but i soon fell asleep.

short update ik

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