Chapter 27

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Alisha pov

Jas pulled up to Ness house. she jumped out and i was right behind her.

she tried to open the door and suprisingly it was unlock. we walked in to smell all weed.

we walked into the livingroom to see Ness knocked out on the couch. we started to look around quietly.

we walked to Ness bedroom door.


we turned around to see a Ness witb a gun pointed at us. she gestured for us to go in her room wit da gun.

we walked backwards into her room. i bumped into somethin. i turned my head and froze.

Kelsi was unconcious. cuts all over her body. she was only in her bra and panties.

she gottin skinnier like she hasnt eatin in 2 days. i looked at Jas to see she still lookin at Ness.

Me: Jas babe

Jasmine: hmmm?

i can tell she wasnt that scared as she stood infront of me relaxed just lookin at Ness.

Me: dont look back

she looked at me confused then behind me seein Kelsi.

her face hardened as she tightened her fist. she clenched her jaw looked bck at Ness who now had a smug smile on her face.

Jasmine stepped forward.

Ness: u better not step closer.

Jasmine took another step. Ness shot me in the arm makin me collapse holdin my arm.

Jas tackled her onto the floor punchin Ness in the face rapeatedly makin the gun fall out her hand.

Jas came to my side quickly as soon as Ness was knocked out.

Jasmine: are u ok?

i nodded still holdin my arm.


i looked to see Shad at the door wit a gun in his hand and Ness holdin her hand.

he ran over towards us.

Shad: are u ok?

i just nodded.

Jasmine: grab Kelsi i got Ali then we will call the cops

Shad: cops are already on there way

Jas picked me up as Shad got Kelsi still unconcious body.

when we hit out side 3 cop cars pulled up wit 2 ambulance. the cops ran into the house.

next thing i know im in the back of an ambulance truck as they put Ness in the back of a cop car.

my vision was alittle fuzzy.

???: shes losin to much blood!!!

i felt a gas mask and somebody grabbed my hand when i blacked out.


srry i havnt been updatin i was punished and still is

i had to steal my phone for a minute just so i can update

idk when im gonna update again so just wait on it


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